SFA 10-7-01 Fright Festc 2001.

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rail junkie's avatar
My buddies and I went to SFA for the Fright Fest 2001.
We got to SFA around 12:30pm so our first order of business was to sign up
For the Sky Coaster at 1:30pm. And then it was off for a flight on Batwing it’s
Lines were not long. It was a almost walk on ride. It only had taken us 15-30 minutes to
Get on Batwing. So we headed back ton the Sky Coaster and found out that the wind machine was not working. So we reschedule the Sky Coaster for a 2:30 flight.
Then it was off to take a flight on Big Red. It had only taken us 10 minutes to get on Big Red. Then it was off for our 2:30 Sky Coaster. This time 3 of us rode it and it was only $25.00 for 3 people it was worth the price. This was my 3rd time ridding the Sky Coaster I have ridden it once at PKD with one of my buddies and then I rode it earlier this yea at SFA. So after a fight on the Sky Coaster we took a little snack break. Then it was off to ride Two-Face The Flip Side. There was no line to get onto Two- Face as in the past it was a walk on ride. It had only taken us 10 minutes to get on it. After a face-face ride it was off to the Wild One for a wild hands up ride. The line was to long at all it only had taken us about 15minutes to get on the Wild one. It was also a walk on ride. Then after a wild of a time on Wild One 1 of my buddies & I rode the Octopus ride. We had only waited for about 15 minutes to get on it. Next was a ride on the High Sea’s lines was not long it was a walk on ride. It only had to wait for one cycle before it was our turn to ride.
Next stop was a ride on Roar lines were not long a walk on ride it only had taken us 2o minutes for the front seat. So off to a ride on Mind Eraser there was hardly any line on it so after we rode it we got back in line for our 2nd run. Then we took a dinner break at the Crazy Horse Saloon with I might add is good eating and I’ll rate this place a 10 stars.
We ate while people were singing to Karaoke music. Next it back for another flight on Batwing the lines were not to long while waiting in line Batwing had broken down not once but twice after waiting for about 2 hours we gave up because we had to meet our other buddies at the main gate around 9:30 because I had to work the next day in the morning. So instead we went for another flight on Big Red again the lines were not to long we waited about 4 runs on the Big Red for the front seat. We even rode the Iron Eagle but the Sky Escaper was not running at all. Our last SFA run is October 27 were we will get our 2002 season passes for next year.


Hey man that is cool. I will be going this sat. 10/13/01. so maybe you should try to go then is u can so maybe we could meet up.
Why didn't you ride Joker I love that ride.
Joker's Jinx is currently closed for some reason.
The main reason why we went on the 7th instead of the 13th was to avoid the Coaster Zombies annual SFA invasion event in which they get some ERT on Batwing and S:ROS.If we can't ride those two coasters early in the day when we first arrive at the park then we don't feel much like going in the first place.
When I was there with my friends, we noitced that Joker's junx was shut down.

The main reason why we went on the 7th instead of the 13th was to avoid the Coaster Zombies annual SFA invasion event in which they get some ERT on Batwing and S:ROS.If we can't ride those two coasters early in the day when we first arrive at the park then we don't feel much like going in the first place.

The arrangement for the ERT was that it started at 10:30 AM, an hour and a half before the park opened.  The ERT ended at opening time, and in no way interfered with the general public's normal opening time access to the coasters.  At that time almost all of the Zombies weren't riding, since they were ready for a break after an hour and a half of ERT.  Actually, most of us were looking for food and restrooms.  The general public probably gained a slight benefit from the ERT since the coasters were fully warmed up by opening time and the first few rides weren't at all sluggish as they sometimes are.
Still, you may have been better off going on the 7th.  The park was packed on the 13th due to the exceptionally warm weather.  The crowd was the largest that I have ever seen at the park, and there were lines for rides that are almost always a walk on.

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