SF Season Pass Activation Question

I just activated my SF season pass online and do not realize, why I paid $15.00 to have it shipped in 3 to 5 business days compared to $5.00 and have it take about 15 business days and not have it before opening day (TGE 5/25). I have the 2007 pass they sent already right in front of me. After activation it said online "your pass is now activated and will be accepted at the turnstiles". I have my 2007 pass that they sent to me so what is coming in the mail that I thought I had to pay $15.00 to have before the park opened, the coupon book?
Um. What exactly is the question?
Guess that was not the best way to say what I was trying to ask. Here is the question: What did I order? I have already received the 2007 pass in the mail 3 to 4 weeks ago. I know I could go online to activate it and did so. I believe along with activating it I ordered another exact one and paid $15.00 for fast shipping. I personally hope what is coming to me in the mail is the coupon book and not another pass I already have.
LOL, If you get another pass and don't want it you can mail me it:) Maybe you paid in advance for parking haha.

S:ROS = <3
Sounds to me like you bought two season passes.

A day at the park is what you make it!

Well let me ask this, is there any one out there that had a pass from last year and had it activated this way this year? And if so how did it work out?
Last March, I renewed my Six Flags Over Texas season pass over the internet and paid ten dollars shipping. Two days later however I recieved a promo pass in the mail that I could activate by paying online. The one I ordered arrived in about a week. So I now have two SFOT passes. One that works and one that doesn't. Also, in the ripoff I paid for shipping I didn't get my coupon book.

In your case, I'm guessing that the 15 dollars is a hidden charge (and another typical SF ripoff) for the pass they ALREADY paid to send you.

Prowler. Opens May,2 2009.

I renewed my SFA pass that was sent via the mail & all I had to do was pick up my coupon book as it is not mailed to you.

Sounds to me like you ended up purchasing two season passes instead of just one.

If you activated your season passes you do not pay anything for shipping, as you already have it. It appears they you may have ordered 1 season’s pass that is being sent to you and activated the season pass mailed to you. So now you have 2 season passes. I would call the park that you ordered it from and ask to speak to Guest Relations. They should be able to check. And if you did they may be nice and issue you a refund.

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