SF Great America - First time (08/16/02)

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This is the first of three parks that I went to in a 5 day span. Aug. 16 was the first park and CP and SFWoA follow on the 19th and 20th. Sorry for the delay in posting the trip report but I've only gotten back home (Montreal) yesterday after some more non-coaster related traveling.

Great America

It was a gorgeous day and after some mysterious metal detector beeping I was in the park by 9:40. I looked around and considered the Fastlane option but decided to check out the lines first. The rope dropped at 10 but not before I got a good look at Shockwave that I would not be riding today. Too bad. I really enjoy the mega loopers and this would have completes the trio for me. I headed to the back of the park.

American Eagle (walk on - 5 mins, 2x, front & back) was open, unlike Iron Wolf, so I rode it backwards. Having never rode the coaster before backwards was lots of fun as I really had no idea how big a drop would be or when the next turn would come. I also rode it again, forwards, later in the day. All in all, the "Out" was a lot better than the "and back" and it seems to loose all speed. Some pops of air made it worthwhile but twice was all it took to enjoy all it had to offer. After the Eagle I wandered back to V2 which I figured would be a long line, but I also figured it would only get longer during the day.

V2 (10 mins, 1x, 1.2) would be my first impulse besides Superman: The Escape so I was looking forward to a new experience. Beautifully set on a pond it provided some great pics. I like this ride. Lots of fun. I found myself laughing and enjoying the ride. The break provided a little scream time too. I must conclude that I miss a lift hill and a full circuit, but as I mentioned, lots of fun.

I cross over to Gothem City and checked out the line for Batman (15 - 45 mins, 2x, back). It looked short so I hopped in line. It was short. Once we got to the front seat spilt it was pretty much a walk on. My second ride in the afternoon would be a longer line, but still not that bad. Having ridden a Namtab at La Ronde all summer it was actually exciting to go the other way. I love this ride and always have. I am a whore for g's and this ride provides them from the top of the lift to the break run. Without Shockwave, this is the only real loop coaster at the park with some g's. It was good to ride the original.

Iron Wolf (15 mins, 1x, back) was open at this point. Good ride but nothing worth re-riding it for. I enjoy the stand-ups and enjoyed this one, but it was just a few rungs on the ladder above the Togos. I guess I've been spoiled by Riddler which I must say is one of my favorite coasters.

I walked buy Deja Vu and was hopping to see a "This ride opens at 12" sign but no luck. It was vallied and I'd have to wait till my next trip. What are ya gonna do?

Demon (15 mins, 1x, back) was one of the better small Arrows that I've ridden. The theaming is what made the ride. I loved the tunnel and the corkscrew almost through the water was great. Short and decent, I liked the coaster, but little to get me to ride again.

It was time to hit Raging Bull (15-45 mins, 3x, back). The line was long but I figured I couldn't wait any longer. Plus they were running all 3 trains. My wait in the afternoon would be much shorter. Damn I loved this ride. World class roller coaster. The air in the back was great, and in so many varying degrees. Floating air to smash my legs into the lapbar air. Nice long layout as well. Tons of reasons to re-ride.

Viper (30 mins, 2x, back) was next. Wow. The park's second world class coaster. It was amazing. I love violent air and that is what this coaster is all about. I love getting thrust out of my seat and tossed to the sides. Even the first drop had me tricked as I thought it was straight down and found myself getting tossed into the side of the train.

Wizzer (30mins, 1x, middle somewhere) was the last new coaster of the day. The line was very long and I'm sorry to say, really not worth it. I try to find something good to say about rides, and the best I can come up with for this one is the spiral lift hill. There was some good speed on the first drop accompanied with some g's in the turn but this is truly a kiddy coaster and one which I must say I really found no enjoyment in.

The rest of my day was spent re-riding and checking out some flat rides. I rode the train, the NASA sim, the tower for pics and in my stupidity, the log ride at 8 pm. I passed it a few times that day and noticed that it seemed better than most rides. Being by myself on my trip, I waited till the end of the day when it was walk on. Damn did I get wet. As soon as I saw that water at the bottom of the drop I though to myself, this wasn't a good idea. I was cold and damp for the rest of the evening, which included a bus ride and an hour and a bit train ride in an air conditioned car back to Chicago. Wow was I cold.

This was a world class park. Themeing on flat rides was amazing, trees and great landscaping everywhere, amazing thrills and it all seemed to be clean and well run. I would highly recommend this park.

Thanks for reading and CP and SFWoA will be coming later today.

*** This post was edited by Mtl_Shag on 8/26/2002. ***

Yeah, the WHIZZER(!) is one sweet ride. You have a lot of good things to say about it. That's why I get the season pass each year. Cause it kicks butt. Especially the Bull. Theming on flat rides IS amazing now that I think about it. I can't think of a flat ride with bad theming, Ice Mountain Splash maybe, but that was originally the Yankee Clipper. So it ain't bad theming. Good TR. Y'all come back now, ya hear?

Take it up a notch, Mr. Operator! I wanna feel my brains in my feet!

Kick The Sky's avatar
I noticed you took your two rides on Viper in the back. While that is a good ride, do yourself a favor next time at the park and ride 1.3 on this with a little room in the restraints and get ready for the ride of your lifetime. I rode last year in the back every time not knowing about the magic of 1.3. I had always assumed the most air to be had was always in the back. This year on the advice of another I rode 1.3 and was blown away. I will never ride this coaster anywhere else now. Sounds like you had a great time. Hope you return soon.

Bob Hansen

A proud CoasterBuzz Member

Operation Wicked Twister - Goal: Lose 50 lbs by next season to ride it! (updates soon)

CPLady's avatar
I thought Whizzer was a fun family coaster, but not "thrilling" per se. I enjoyed it mostly for the nostalgia factor. Brought back memories of CP's Jumbo Jet.

I'd rather die living than live like I'm dead

I'm sure I would have been able to enjoy the nostalgia factor a lot more if I hadn't had to wait half and hour. It was a fun ride. I enjoyed seeing the kids in line getting all worked up about it, but I'd never go on it again unless it's a 5-10 minute wait.
A half hour, that's not that bad, you can't get upset because you had to wait.

(Former Signature replaced due to bad joke with accident) The Beast at night-Two peas in a pod? http://www.geocities.com/moviecoaster/safetyeditorial- Next article against Markey!

I'm not upset. I wanted to experice the ride, and now I have. I'd do it again. However, now that I've ridden it and know what it is, I'd much rather spend my time waiting 30 minutes for Viper that for Whizzer.
BullGuy's avatar

Mtl_Shag- Believe it or not, you're not the only one to enjoy the megaloopers. I love Shockwave. Hopefully It'll stick around for your next visit.

Thank You for challenging TOS: The Ride. We hope you enjoy the rest of your day, here at Coasterbuzz.

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