SF Great Adventure 10/12

Associated parks:

Visited for the first time all season. Headed right to Robin: Chiller. I love the lapbars. 8/10. Nitro is still dominating. Lines move good over there. 9/10. Rode Batman. That ride needs a rehab. Our coaster engineer was with me, and even commented on the ride while holding his neck. 6/10.

Did Skull Mountain. Ops let young kids in the back seat. No-No in Jersey. 5/10. Ate at the new food stands on the boardwalk. Had a cheesesteak and fresh cut fries. 6/10. Much improved over their own f/b operations. Letting vendors in has finaaly allowed SFGAdv the capacity to feed all of their guests in a timely manner since they opened.

Did GASM. Getting a bit rough. Time for some new trains with lap bars. Stop changing track. 7/10. Waited 45 min. for Superman. I like the loading better than X-Flight.But it hurts the neck going up the hill, as you have to hold it up to look around. The dive loop has great g's. Everybody had to pee when we stopped. The restraints were comfortable. Short ride, but pretty good. 8/10.

Did the Rolling Thunder. I am going to put bumper stickers on the trains that say "If this coaster were a horse, I would shoot it!". 5/10. Meduse was still great. Some girl was behind me wearing a helmet and smoking at the same time. They should cancel themselves out in the world of Crank Yankers' Special Ed. 8/10.

Had a catered event that day. Food was edible. 6/10. Like the free beer and ice cream. Did a hour wait for the hayride. The clown room was good, but the whole wait in the cold really bites. 3/10. Walked through Terror Trail. Damn good. 6/10. I hope they expand it next year. All in all, the park is improving. It is cleaner, more f/b stands are open, and more rides are open.

The pattern here is also the same for SF Worlds of Adventure. If you add all these rides, make sure you are prepared with staff, training, more f/b, etc. Some of these parks are huge operations, but adding loads of rides is not always the answer. Improving infrastructure will mean the guests will beat the doors down to have great day.

"Step on that lapbar and make it nice and tight!"

Wow. Uh, interesting...

I swear all teens aren't like this!

Parker - http://www.sfmwzone.com/p_coastercount.htm>>My Coaster Count

Uh, I am not a teen, or did I miss something?

"Step on that lapbar and make it nice and tight!"

He is probably referring to your style of writing. It works for me, but not all people are fans of short sentences. Or maybe I missed something also ;)

Lyrically, I'm supposed to represent
I'm not only a client, I'm the playa president!

ACTUALLY, I think he was referring to your statement about letting kids in the back seat of Skull Mtn.

Could be wrong though.

-Brian (member #1), become a CoastererĀ®!
Down with the enthusiast bureaucracy!

rollergator's avatar
IIRC from GAdv, NJ laws state that riders in the back seat have to be 18 or over...could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure I recall that sign from Run-A-Way Mine Train...

Personally, I find AJ's *style* a refreshing contrast to my own run-on sentences and sentence fragments....:)
Mistakes were made, others are to blame...

I am pretty sure you have to be at least 12 years of age to ride in the back seat of a coaster at SFGAd, Bill. That means you what, quadroupled the requirement then, right?


You suck big time.

There used to be a rule at SFGAd that there had to be 2 riders over the age of 12 in the last occupied row. That rule changed a few years ago though. There's no age and/or single rider rule about the last occupied row anymore.

Sue Barry

rollergator's avatar
12, 18, what's the difference, they're all *youngsters* to me.....;)

12, really? They probably *still* look considerably older then Joe....:)
Mistakes were made, others are to blame...

SFGAdv is my homepark and yes I believe 2000 was the last year of that 12 year old minmmium backseat rule.
Thanks for the nice compliment, Gator!

Joe "babyface" C. :)

You suck big time.

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