Sellner introduces new tilt a whirl cars

did anyone else see these at IAAPA? I thought that they were really cool and give the ride a newer, less run down look. the headpads were really cushy and soft. does anyone think this might increase sales in tilt a whirls?
I really like the look of the new cars - they kind of remind me of bumper cars. The lap bar is nice, but the head pad is too low. It was more like a neck pad for me. I'm used to laying flat against the old cars, and you couldn't really do that in these cars. Also, the fact that the ride was being run too slow didn't help. You really had to lean to make the car spin - this could have been due to the fact that it was new and hadn't been broken in yet.

-Matt D.
The seats on that thing were so slick. You had to fight just to keep from falling in the floor of the car.
did they look like this?
yeah, but the ones on display were the fushia color. I think it might give the tilt a whirl a newer, "cleaner" look.
DawgByte II's avatar
Well, you gotta admit... the old design is decades & decades old... I think dating back to the '20's, if I'm not mistaken.
You are not mistaken. The Tilt-A-Whirl was introduced, if I remember correctly, in 1926.

There have been lots of changes since then, but most of those changes are not significantly noticeable to the rider. The biggest one was probably the addition of the hoods the the backs of the cars.

--Dave Althoff, Jr.

The new cars make the tilt look sorta like a Chance Twister.

Speaking of old Tilt-a-Whirls, the 2nd tilt produced still exists and is in the custody of the Historic Amusement Foundation (unrestored).

I think like the old tubs better. I guess the "run down" look appeals to me. :)

Yeah, the cars add a new "spin" to the ride... ;) Sorry, that was bad. What does it mean by updated light system?

I've often wondered from time to time, how to write good poetry- and make it all... Work.
I'd like to see Tilt a Whirl cars more like a Tea Cup cars. Imangine 5 adults in a car spinning it the entire time! WOW!
Mamoosh's avatar
Add me to the list of those who prefer the original look of the cars. However if this helps sell more Tilts I'll be happy ;)


I like the old cars much better. The new cars make me think of MEGA DANCER or flying bobs. The old cars are more stylistic to me. Plus the new cars look like if you got spinning good you would have whiplash.
The Old cars are classic. For me, the run-down look of Tilt-a-Whirls (Which does not carry true with all of them-some are very well maintained.) are part of the fun. Particularly when you get into an un-greased car. You can't tell if somebody is screaming, or it's just the wheels
Yuck. I'm all about the egg-shaped pseudo-original cars. "Extreme Makeover" is right.

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