SeaWorld Entertainment down 2% in revenue, flat attendance

Posted | Contributed by Jeff

Third quarter reports show total revenue dropped 2 percent to $485.3 million for the three months ending Sept. 30 from $496.9 million for the same period last year. Revenue for the nine-month period also was down 2 percent to $1.07 billion from $1.1 billion last year. Attendance was "relatively flat," but up 1.3% in the Florida parks.

Read more from Orlando Business Journal.

Jeff's avatar

As much as this seems like a bummer, I think the higher attendance in Florida might be an indication that they've at least stopped the bleeding. It's not a slam dunk, but I've been saying for years that if they would just build something awesome that it would boost attendance. Mako is definitely awesome. Haven't been on the new coaster at BGT.

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

kpjb's avatar

New coaster at BGT is significantly less than awesome.


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