The thing I have a problem with is when the reride rules in a park vary from ride to ride or day to day. At Dorney, they won't allow rerides at all and that's fine. We know that and accept it. On the other hand, Hershey has no rules for rerides. According to the ride operations manager, it's up to the ops on each ride. That's what I consider wrong--either you allow it or you don't.
Choice E is not seat poaching, its helping the line move faster and is a perk for single riders, anyone who objects to it is crazy.
2022 Trips: WDW, Sea World San Diego & Orlando, CP, KI, BGW, Bay Beach, Canobie Lake, Universal Orlando
For that reason, I actually like when people do what ApolloAndy described in "E".
Just my 2 cents..
The biggest problem with "seat poaching" is that it can lead to physical confrontations between guests. I had no problem letting people have re-rides if there was no one waiting for their row, but if you allow one row to switch into the empty row, then why can't everyone ride? Why do you get to ride instead of someone else?
Saying that "you traveled a long way to get there" doesn't mean you have a right to re-ride. If the coaster has 20 seats, and there are four open seats for the next train, that means only four people will be able to re-ride. It got to be such a problem that there were times that a train would roll into the station and we would hold the air gates to clear people off the ride... and some still went and sat in the train and refused to move!!
If the ride ops are okay with it, there is no problem with doing it, but don't try to sneak around the rules.
Hobbes: "What's the point of attaching a number to everything you do?"
Calvin: "If your numbers go up, it means you're having more fun."
Funny how when I started this thread, I had no idea what I wanted to call the activity, but I think the word poach (+6) is a great word and although usually referred to taking someones fish or game, it still somehow seems appropriate here.
Not too sure about Mike's Acronym for it though.
Brian, who falls under verrry few of ACE's stereotypes. :) I'm no EmGee ;) Moosh.
Edit : D'oh. A quick search yields results showing that Andy came up with the term. Bravi! *** Edited 5/25/2004 4:03:03 AM UTC by Homey G.***
I guess we know how THAT operator felt about "wasted seats"! (I wonder if that boy will ever try to refuse a seat next to him again?)
PS - I was NOT happy that the kid got ousted - just a funny story OTHERWISE. *** Edited 5/25/2004 4:39:31 AM UTC by Fubar***
bill, watches entirely too much Cooking Network....
Rachel Ray would be sooo disappointed.
-dmv, back to storm watching :)
"Want to be upside down, maybe thrown from side to side" - The New Pornographers, The Fake Headlines
B: Same as above.
C: Absolutely never in a full station. BAD karma.
D: Only if I ask the 3 sitting there if they mind.
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