Seabreeze 6/17

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Ride of Steel's avatar
Well, my old school was taking their annual trip to seabreeze (the 6th grade class) and it just so happens my friends brother is in the class so I decided to join them.

So me, my friend pats mom, and my friend pat, left at about 9:15 stopped at mcdonalds to get some mcgriddles (those things are awesome). We arrived at the park at 10:30

We randomly did rides so heres the reviews.

Quantum Loop:
I don't know why they are getting rid of this. Its a fun ride, perfect for Seabreeze, the drop and double loop is awesome. The only downside is that its short and the curves aren't banked so the laterals are a little high for a steel coaster. Fun ride though...

Total rides: 3

Jack Rabbit (AKA Jackass)

This was always my favorite coaster at seabreeze. Not anymore... The ride was too smooth for a woodie. The ride itself IS fun but I HATE THE MORGAN TRAINS! They run well but they are so uncomfortable no leg room, big and bulky, ugly, and the lapbar is one position. The ride provided little to no airtime but the turnaround was fulled with laterals. Sorta a bummer, but not a bad ride.


I can not tell you how much I HATE this ride. Enthusiests rave about how great it is. Its jerky, slow, and not all that fun for a 20 minute wait. I used to like it but not anymore. Its a mediocre ride.


The surprise of the day! I loved it! It drops you 4 times too. The ride op working it kept talking about Cedar Point and how Dragster is closed. I told him I've been there a few times. Anyhoo, the freefall is unbelievable for a kiddie ride. Quickly the ride goes up and as soon as you reach the top. Boom! The ride drops. It sorta pops up giving you air time as you drop. Although a full size (idk maybe 100 feet) would have been better, this is still a fun ride.

Log Flume

This is a great log ride. Short wait, fun tunnel, and an awesome drop. I got really wet UNLIKE DL's version.

Screamin Eagle:

This is a wicked fun ride. Its a Zamperla Hawk and its the only "modern" flat ride here. Its really fun. One major problem though. Unfortunately the ride squeezes you in to tight and I understand why. But afterwords I've been having trouble going to the bathroom (aka urinating) because of the pressure put on my lower body which causes pain when I do my duty. I don't need to make it more detailed, just saying that multiple rides could cause some problems.

Bumper Cars

I've never been a big fan of Bumper Cars so it wasn't too great.


The new light show is fantastic. I loved the designs and lights it made on the wall. The scrambler is sorta slow and it had seat dividers but it was a fun ride.

Wave Pool


(the chant by my friend and I leading the 6th grade class.)

(we are 8th grades and 2 feet taller than them.)

FUN wave pool

Wipeout (i think)

These two body slides were wicked and intense but it really hurt my back afterwords. I'm starting to hate body slides.

Bermuda Triangle:

The straightdown speedslide Banzaii was closed for repair but the other "less intense" twisting ones were open and fun.

Good day! I was limited to 4 hours because the park closed at 2:30. It was fun though, and got some good rides in. I hope I can go to SFDL sometime soon otherwise I'll have to wait till CP in august.

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