Sea World Texas, A must or a bust?

Well I'm trying to trim some fat on my trip because time really doesn't matter to me, but my dad is having a field day about it. I am planning on going to SFAstro, SFFT and SFOT, and was thinking of going here also since it is like 10 minutes from SFFT. But since Time and money is an issue is Steel EEl worth the $160 bucks and the extra day. I don't really care about Great White since it is a batman and I've been on many. Thank you.
I think Steel Ell is the best of the Morgan coasters, even though it's shorter than its CF hyper cousins. It certainly is not worth spending $160 to ONLY ride it, but if you're going to spend the entire day, enjoy a very good park that will be very different from the others on your agenda.

We did these 4 parks during last year's Spring break and had a great time at each.


Laugh your troubles away at Riverview, the world's largest amusement park.
SWT is a good park but not a great one. Steel Eel is a very fun ride, Great White is an adequate batman clone, and the kiddie coaster is no great shakes. The rapids ride and the log ride are both fun but aren't anything out of the ordinary. The park itself is beautiful, and Shamu Stadium and the Shamu show are pretty damn spectacular. It's a good park, but SFFT is better. We managed to do the whole park in about 2 hours due to an ACE event there last month.

Mike Miller

OMG, I'm a CreHo.

Olsor's avatar
You don't need an extra day - just split one day in between SFFT and Sea World. Really... you can ride everything at both parks in a matter of hours. They're both terrific parks, but they really don't require a full day's stay each.
When are you going to AW/

I can lend a hand there if you like. That is my homepark.

If you go just for the coasters, no SW is not worth it.

But if you take in the shows too, it's great park.

My wife and I just took a vacation three weeks ago, and went to SFFT, and SWT. Both excellent parks. As for the comment about being able to hit both of them in one day... Ummm. No.

We particularly enjoyed Steel Eel. Great ride. But, there is an abundance of things to do in the park. The Shamu show was great. But, the standout was the Viva show in the White Whale stadium. Do not miss this show. It was an amazing combination of acrobatics, high diving, and dolphins. That one show, in my opinion, was worth the price of the ticket.

They also have a great waterpark, and plenty of things to do. We are people who do not typically enjoy spending an entire day in a park. We had plenty to do from Open to Close at SWT.


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Olsor's avatar
Addendum - if you just want to ride the rides, you can hit both parks in one day. If you want to experience all the attractions at each park, then it'll take longer. From experience, though, I can tell you that I've managed to ride everything major at SFFT in an hour or two during the non-peak months.
I can tell you from experience that Sea World Texas is an excellent, beautiful park. I will agree that the admission is steep, but Steel Eel is well worth the price of admission, as you can get multiple re-rides on it when the shows are going on.

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