Sea World San Antonio Texas

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On October 21, 2001 my Dad and Other Relatives traveled to Sea World of Texas.  The park overall was very nice and clean, and they did a good job with scenery.  The shows were great, especially Shamu Visions.  I rode both the rollercoasters, which I fully enjoyed.

Steel Eel- 11 Rides-This is a great ride.  It is now my No. 2 rollercoaster.  The view from the top is beautifull.  The drop had a great floating sensation.  The whole ride is just full of airtime.  I was out of my seat the whole time, which I loved.  It maintained good speed, and was very smooth.

The Great White-3 Rides-The Great White is a very fun and intense B&M inverted coaster.  It has a great swooping first drop that made me feel I was going to fly right into path.  The helixes are very intense, and I really loved the corkscrews.  It was very smooth and really fast.  It never really slowed down.

Both of the coasters were great, and the park never really got too crowded, except after a show.  I hope you enjoyed my trip report, and if you can get to Seaw World of Texas.

I Survived Millennium Force!

1.) Millennium Force 2.) Steel Eel 3.) Raptor 4.) Mantis 5.) Magnum XL-200

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