Sea World Orlando 10/12/02

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Since there are only 2 coasters here, and we were only there for 3 hours, this will be short.

Went on Journey to Atlantis first. This ride is really cool. The flume drop is better than the coaster drop, because the flume one gives airtime, and the coaster one doesnt.

Kraken's first ride was in the front row. It was my first ride on a floorless. I was on an outside seat, so it was almost like there was no track. This is my new B&M favorite. Smooth and fast, and somewhat forceful. I love the top of the first drop in outside left in the front seat, it's a great view of the lake below you. We also rode it second to last row. I got right outside. This seat really has the zero g roll show its stuff. That roll is perfect. It looks like a funny shape, but I was weightless for the longest time. I love this coaster.

I said I'd keep it short, so thats about it. We didn't goto any show, and went though a few exibits. IMO it was a waste of 50 bucks, but hey, it wasn't my money that got me it.

SWO is one of my favorite parks, it was acrros the street from my hotel, The Rennasance ( great hotel) I went one day there and got the 2nd day free pass and enjoyed another evening there. I believe I saw all the exhibits and almost every show. I rode JTA 4 times, and Kraken 20! Kraken is great, didn't get old at all. Longest wait on a Saturday at the end of June was barely into the first queue room in the middle of the afternoon! 15 minutes for a middle seat!

See THE ULTIMATE in Orlando TR'S! Right now in the TR fourm!

Kick The Sky's avatar
I agree with Todd, Seaworld is a great park. IMHO, it is even better than IOA (ducks flames). There are never any lines for Kraken or JTA, the animal shows are awesome, getting to touch rays and dolphins is beyond awesome, and Terrors of the Deep just plain rules. Then again my second hobby is scuba so that may explain why I like this park above all others...

Bob Hansen

A proud CoasterBuzz Member

Operation Wicked Twister - Goal: Lose 50 lbs by next season to ride it! (updates soon)

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