Sea World for 1-2-02 & 1-3-02.

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rail junkie's avatar
We got to Sea World at 10:32 am. Our First order of business was a ride on Kraken coaster. It was only a 15-minute wait for the front seat in the rain. Then we decided to ride it again. So the total of Kraken rides for 12-31-01 was 6 times. So we rode Kraken again the next day. We started our morning with Kraken witch we rode 3 times in a row.
And the total of rides for 1-1-02 was 17 times for one coaster in one day at Sea World.
There are a lot of places were you can eat. We ate at these places Anheuser Bush
Hospitality was you could get Roast beef, Turkey, Club sand witches. You can even sample some free beer. You are aloud only two of them I tried Bush Ice and it was good.
The other place that we ate at was the Mid Way Grill were you can get hot dogs, steak &
Cheese. I really recommend theses food place at Sea World. We even went into the Terra Of The Deep were you can see sharks up close as you walk on the moving sidewalk.
There is neat attraction called the Journey To Antarctic were you ride in a simulator were you travel by helicopter to the Antarctic. And at the end if the ride you can see those Polar Bears up close. We even took in a Shamu show witch is a Dolphin type show
I really recommend this show it’s for every one young & old. We even so the Manatees exhibited to witch are another sea kind of animal. I’ll rate these to days at Sea World a 60
My next trip report will be from Bush Gardens Tampa Bay.
When we go to Sea World Orlando, my family eats at the Anheuser-Bush Hospitality Center too! 

However, back to coasters... I've never ridden Kraken or JTA. I might (note, might) ride them next time my family goes to Sea World. However, seeing as how I live in southeastern Wisconsin, that might be awhile.

RCT hypercoaster crazy!

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