SDC Trip Report - 3/18 - 3/22

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Sawblade5's avatar
Well despite the war that was planed to take place I went to SDC for my Spring WildFire fix.

On 3/18 after only getting 3 hours of sleep and getting up at 8 AM I got to SDC in time for the 9:30 opening. When the droped I went stright to WildFire to get on the First Train of the season for my 3rd year in a row. I went and rode Wildfire again after that. After that I don't remember my day well except for I went and done all my favorite rides and also in fact got the very fisrt boat out on Lost River of the Ozarks because they opened late there. That was a wet ride it seem like when the boat hit one of the waves it placed like a foot of water in my boat. However I was on the other end of the boat from the wave so I was only a lil wet from it. The people on the otherside of the boat was drenched.

Later that day, I went on a tour of Marvel Cave. The only thing changed about the cave was that they are now taking your photos inside the Cathederal Room in front of the Liberty Bell formation, instead of at the top of the cave. My trip trough the cave wasn't to pleasent becuase I hit my head at least 3 times and came out of there with a headache. I was glad to get out of there.

I also went on the ThundeRaTion for the first time this year on that day. This Arrow mine train coaster seems to be running well this year and is now giving some moments of Airtime on it. It also seems a lil smoother too.

On a last note of the day, The Wilderness Waterboggon has shiny new grey slides still being installed and will open May 1st (the same day as CC). The new slide has camel humps on its drops now and will have 3 times as much water than the old Waterboggon. It also seems that the ride will get new boats and get a new name called Waterworks Waterboggon.

On 3/19 SDC was closed and I got the the time to make up for the sleep I missed on the Tue. All I did that day was go to the local movie theater and watched Far from Heaven. This movie seems a lil too slow for my taste and was boring.

On 3/20, SDC reopens and they were now checking everyones bags and purses due to the war begining and need for increased security. That was a very cold and rainy day. However I did my rounds which included stops at all the coasters and some of the water rides. I skiped the really wet rides due to the wheather. this was the only day at SDC I got to ride WildFire over and over again without getting out of my seat.

On 3/21, It was still cool but it was the Bussiest day at SDC and capacity was limited due unexpected size of crowds and understaffing of some areas, becasue of it. Wildfire did run both trains that day but TNT had a fairly good wait (about 15 min with 1 train). The rest of the park still had small waits but TNT was swamped. The crowd was most likly due to people pushing their Thur plans to Fri do to the bad wheater on Thur. BTW, the way TNT was running it was well worth the 15 minute wait.

On 3/22, The crowd was thin and the rides were running at full capacity, IT was appernt that SDC was expecting a huge crowd and I was too. THe Crowd size was only slightly larger than it was on Tue. I was really able to enjoy all the rides I can get in that day and caught one of their new shows they had this year. The new show was Doc Gizmo's Science Theater. Doc Gizmo's show was quite fun to watch. HE done a few real neat tricks on stage with science. Some of the neatest ricks he done was set his hand on fire without burning it and showing you what happens when you combine Rusted Iron with Alumnium Foil. When you go to SDC you have to see his show at the Dockside theater.

As of right now they only thing I noticed going on at Celebration City is that the Jukebox Arcade has their sign up and the Ozark Wildcat has been doing its testing.

I am sorry if I didn't write too well, or spell some words correctly. It was alot of things to remember about my trip. It was a very awesome trip and I hope to get back to SDC for some good food, good shows, the bat cave, and awesome rides ASAP.

If you want to go to plan a trip to SDC check out for the operating Schedule. SDC is open almost everyday from Now-Dec-28 except for the last week of October and the first week of April. The last weekend in March is Young Christains weekend and the park is closed to the GP. If you hadn't visited SDC before I suguest come visit it. With Awesome Food, Rides, and Shows you may want to spend your entire Branson vacation there.

Chris Knight
Who is hoping to make it to his first SRM.
Coming to WOF in 2003: A New Dippin' Dots stall :-)
*** This post was edited by Sawblade5 3/23/2003 7:43:39 PM ***

Sounds like you has a great trip.

I wonder what the Waterboggan will be like? Sounds like there changing the ride into a Master Blaster like at Schlitterbahn.

"Grit Your Teeth, Bare The Load, Enjoy your ride, on Thunder Road"

Silver Dollar City sounds like a great trip, and I hope to get there someday. I love Dollywood and it seems similar but different too. I wonder if Dollywood will make the same changes to their waterboggan ride, being a sister park to SDC. It it a favorite ride of mine and the changes sound great.

BTW, I'm glad you got to see Far From Heaven even if you found it a bit slow. I thought it was a beautiful, touching, and thought-provoking movie which should get more recognition.

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