SDC 2004 hinting?

While at SDC this past weekend, I noticed this new sign attached to a cart just outside the main gate. I thought it was interesting how it made reference to an "ICE HOUSE," especially considering that was one of the options on the survey for new rides. Here is a link to a photo of it.

Beware theSPINNING DRAGON only at WOF in 2004

Coincidence? I think not...

The squirrel is only screaming because it hates the new restraints.

Gosh I can't wait till this sucker gets built. I believe it will be a mix coaster/darkride with of coarse (knowing SDC) some water elements. But it may not even get built till 2005 or at least that is what people are saying! I just hope 2004 is the year though! O Well we wont know till it happens!


Well, it's no secret that CC will receive some needed attention this coming season. Phase I just wasn't enough to handle the crowds. Hopefully a Phase II will remedy some of the problems they faced this season.

Beware the SPINNING DRAGON only at WOF in 2004

rollergator's avatar
Agreed, Swoosh, the lines at CC got long pretty quick. Excellent rides, just not enough of them and/or not enough capacity. One good hi-capacity *thrill ride* (Top Spin?)and a swing set would go a long way toward keeping the lines more manageable....
Mistakes were made, others are to blame...
Top Spin, Power Surge, Top Scan, etc would also add inversions to the park which would be nice. I am still hoping for some Flyers which I think would be a big hit amongst the families that CC is targeting.
The ice sign sure does have all the earmarks of a hint but wonder if it is for 2004 or if plans may have changed.

Jim Wolgamuth
*** This post was edited by JWolg 10/28/2003 12:37:54 PM ***

It's going to be a Dippin' Dots stall.. I know it! It's the ice cream of the future!

The squirrel is only screaming because it hates the new restraints.

Speaking of Celebration City crowds, how did the park do? Have they released any attendance figures?

"The Mountain Slidewinder. Voted The #1 Non-Rollercoaster Ride in America Amusement Business Magazine, 1991"

Wait - if Dippin' Dots is the ice cream of the future, what is it doing in the "now?" :)

Celebration City was packed every time I was there (well except when I went on a press day there at the very beginning of the season). If the park didn't beat attendence ecpectations, I'd be surprised. They really need more shows and another sit-down restaurant. I agree with Jim on the Eagles, and we have to be careful with the "new" rides (ie. topspin, etc) they won't fit into the "time frame" that the park is going for (even though the space shot and afterburner really don't fit into anyway).

Beware theSPINNING DRAGON only at WOF in 2004

Now they're making "Dippin' Dots" out of old tennis shoes and battery acid.

I've never seen a non-busy day at Celebration City.

The squirrel is only screaming because it hates the new restraints.

Well I got the AP mailer today from SDC/CC/WWB and it didn't really mention anything about ICE HOUSE. It did say that they are adding a new parade for Kid's Fest "Circus of Imagination" and that the new float for this year's Old Fashioned Christmas is "Santa's Sleigh" - which makes me wonder why this wasn't one of the originals?!?! The other thing that it mentioned was that Raging River Rapids was "still new" so I guess that means that WWB won't be getting anything new. CC was mentioned as getting "new attractions in '04" but didn't go into details. Lisa said not too long ago that there will be a press release to discuss the additions in full detail later. Hopefully that will be soon.

Beware the SPINNING DRAGON only at WOF in 2004

Sawblade5's avatar
Even though I don't know what Celebration City is getting in 2004. I really want to see them add a Flying Scooter ride there. I belive it will fit in well with the theming of the park. Otherwise I hope to be able to go upside down at Celebration City soon too.

About the Christmas Lights parade at SDC. I was told by someone that they're supposed to get a new float for that parade each year. I wonder what this float will look like.

As for future ride rumors at SDC. I have not heard a word about the Ice House, however I have heard rumors concerning the future of Buzzsaw Falls. I have heard that they're ethier gonna modify this ride to make it more thrilling and last much longer than it is now. I also heard it may become something in the way of a Jr. Hyper Coaster too. They have been cutting back on the operation of Buzzsaw Falls to just the weekends durring the Fall Fest so I don't know if Buzzsaw is gonna be around for much longer. SDC is probally still not very happy with Premier rides so they may end up going to Intamin if they do something like this. This is just a rumor I have heard and they probally have lots of scenarios of what going to happen in the future at SDC.

Chris Knight
And I'll never, ever, ever, ever, ever make a song about the Sibbie.

I sure hope they don't take away Buzzsaw. I'd love for them to make it longer though. When I was there in July, it had BY FAR the longest wait of any of the coasters. Surely it must please them in terms of popularity. Have they had issues with the ride like the LIM coasters?
-Matt in Iowa

Sawblade5 said:About the Christmas Lights parade at SDC. I was told by someone that they're supposed to get a new float for that parade each year. I wonder what this float will look like.

Chris - this year's float is "Santa's Sleigh," there was a picture of it in the AP mailer.

I have heard that they're ethier gonna modify this ride to make it more thrilling and last much longer than it is now.

Well that may be true, but incorporating new track into an old one can be difficult and very tricky. As long as they don't remove the ride (and think that is highly unlikely) - then I am all for a modification. There modification of Waterboggan was excellent.

Beware theSPINNING DRAGON only at WOF in 2004

I went to SDC on Friday Oct 24 and forgot to look for the potential hint sign:( Oh well got of the Nov and Dec to look for it.
Chris, how many SDC/CC pins do you have? :) Doesn't the weight of the them hurt your neck ;) (just kidding ya)

Jim Wolgamuth

Jim, It's on the cart right next to the Season Pass holder entrance -- you know right there in the little entrance plaza thing. I think they sale shirts and hats and stuff.

Beware theSPINNING DRAGON only at WOF in 2004

Sawblade5's avatar
It doesn't phase me one bit. I even wore the SDC pin lanyard at Coastermainia at CP. I was proud to show off my pins at the event, I even got some CP pins for it.

Also for some of you guys that worry about me wearing the pins on the coasters, I don't! I take them off and put them in a little bag and secure them in my pocket where they won't fall out and become a missile. I would bet being hit by a Pin Lanyard missile would hurt pretty badly.

Chris Knight
And I'll never, ever, ever, ever, ever make a song about the Sibbie.

Hey Chris, when you were at CP, did you notice there in the Emporium that they had some WOF pins there -- including MAMBA, Timberwolf, & the traditional WOF balloon?!?!

Beware theSPINNING DRAGON only at WOF in 2004

Sawblade5's avatar
They only had the WOF Balloon Pin there durring Coastermainia.

BTW You can buy some SDC Pins online at Some of the neatest pins for sale are the The Beverly Hillbillies SDC Pin, The Irving the Talking Dog Branson Belle pin (Perfect for Trade Baits), or the gone but not forgotten Ride Pin of Rube Dugan's Diving Bell. Much of the stuff at SDC in the shops are avalable online, so you don't have to go all the way to Branson to get the neat stuff at SDC.

Chris Knight
And I'll never, ever, ever, ever, ever make a song about the Sibbie.
*** This post was edited by Sawblade5 10/30/2003 12:12:57 AM ***

The Diving Bell was the "submarine" ride, correct? If so I remember that ride -- lots of fun! It's too bad that they took it out, but then they wouldn't have had the room for Lost River and Geyser Gulch. :)

Beware the SPINNING DRAGON only at WOF in 2004

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