Screamin Swing at Skull Kingdom Orlando

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My friend John and I were driving in his jeep, when I asked him to stop by Skull Kingdom to check out the screamin swing that they got. Upon arrival, I walked up to a group of people and asked them where they got tickets. I found out soonafter that they were with S&S power, and that they were having a private riding. I apologized for showing up, and then started talking about the ride and some of their previous rides (many topics have been discussed on coasterbuzz :). She was surprised by what I knew about their rides and such, and invited me to ride it, which I though was very nice (her name was Kathy btw).

We got onto the ride (which uses the same restraints as on the screamin squirrel and the sky sling). this ride is GREAT-each launch sends you higher and higher, and finally you seem like you are going head over heels (at the top, S&S said you are at a 110*angle). Each time you are face down, their is great airtime.

Just wanted to let you all know that S&S has another great ride on it


I think it is definetely worth the upcharge. Unless it is an outrageous price, because the ride is a little short, yet this ride might be their next "space shot"

What exactly is the Screamin' Swing? Perhaps I have been in a hole or something, but I have never heard of this.
There is currently a Screamin' Swing at Knotts as an upcharge ride. Thorpe Park in England is building one for next season, which I believe is going to be the higher capacity non-upcharge version.

Maybe pictures could explain the ride's concept better than words...

Knotts Halloween Haunt- Everyone has to go sometime....

I've been wanting to check out Skull Kingdom itself for awhile now but it always seems to get passed by the wayside with all of the other stuff we do in Orlando. With this new addition, it looks like I can't put it off any more.
Jeff's avatar
You know, I considered stopping in there yesterday. We had breakfast at the Denny's a block down (we spent way too much on room service the rest of the week ;)). Then some jackass in a Skull Mountain SUV got behind me, honking at me because I wouldn't pull out into busy traffic. I flipped him off and they didn't get my money.

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

rollergator's avatar
Saw the ride testing, of course I had to go get pics...;)

Really short cycle, no inversions, didn't have what it takes to hold my attention...honestly, this may be the first S&S ride that I consider *a dud*...

$ 6.95 for 2 rides at SKO...I'll wait (and pay extra) when Stan makes them more *Xtreme*...;)

How much does S&S charge for this thing? Jeff mentioned it being hot with companies at IAAPA so it can't be much.
Jeff's avatar
Who mentioned it being hot? I didn't.

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

Sorry Jeff. It was Screamscape's IAAPA report, got it confused with yours.

rentzy17 said:

Too bad it will usually be an upcharge attraction rather than a normal flat ride.

Don't count your chickens too soon, When I rode the Screamin Swing I spoke to Stans Wife, who spoke of a 40 passenger version, along with much higher versions being available. Also, you'll be seeing these everywhere soon, apparently it's been selling quite well.


I believe that Thorpe Park in England is getting the 40 passenger version.

Gator: Knott's' Screamin Swing also has a really short cycle time. Its a fun ride, but the cycle time is certainly a fault (particularly for an upcharge ride).

Mamoosh's avatar
Knotts charges $5 and the cycle was so short [as of Oct 17] that I felt ripped off. It was fun but I wouldn't pay to ride it again, even if they lengthened the cycle.

I saw TAER IT DOWN and put in a good flat!

*** Edited 11/22/2004 10:55:54 PM UTC by Mamoosh***

So sayeth mOOSH - coasterbuzz's very own Swinging Screamer!

-Jim ;)

When I talked to the woman, she said that the price for the ride was 300,000, but that is considering that this one was a little shorter in height, and that it only had one arm instead of the 2 arm one at knotts. I thought it was great, and when you get to the top it is awesome that you hang and feel like you are going head over heels.
Kick The Sky's avatar
I have to agree with Moosh's assessment of the Knott's installation. I'd sooner pay five bucks for a spin on Riptide than I would for a ride on Screamin Swing. It's a fun ride, and I will admit it had me pretty scared on the one swing that it really got height, but it really isn't worth the cash.

Any chance of Knott's version getting upgraded to a 40 passenger version and becoming a standard flat?

Certain victory.

rollergator's avatar
Bob, I'm (obviously) guessing here, but I'd imagine that the 40-passenger version would need substantially more *support*...

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