Groundwork for Scream! is now underway in the employee parking lot while track, supports, and parts for the footers continue to arrive.
Meanwhile, another valley floor has been installed underneath X's back flip.
Link: America Coasters Network
Top 3 coasters at SFGAm: 1. DeJavu 2. Raging Bull 3. Viper
SFNE Central- Online Six Flags New England Resource
Devoted Intamin Lover for Life!
I see the parking lot theming is being kept....
Coaster & Amusement Park Christmas cards available here. NOW ACCEPTING PAYPAL! We ship Priority mail -- Order today and receive your cards in 3 business days!
If idiots could fly, this place would be a friggin' airport.
Is it a dream or a memory? It's both, it's X
kRaXLeRidAh - its not that I'm expecting massive amounts of theming, but it would be nice if they would spend a few extra $$ to simply remove the old pavement and put down something...sod, rocks, a few shrubs. Heck, let the pavement stay but put some aggragate over it. Seeing the faded white stripes under Colossus & Goliath is just plain ugly.
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