Scream at SFMM

Does anyone know the layout for the new ride at SFMM, it be greatly appreciated

Member of RCT InSomniAcS

BullGuy's avatar
It's speculated that the ride may be a mirrored clone of Medusa East.

Never Has Gravity Been So Uplifting.

janfrederick's avatar
From the look of the lift approach, it could very well be a mirror image of the one in Jersey.

*** This post was edited by janfrederick 2/5/2003 7:58:41 PM ***

Mamoosh's avatar
No speculation *is* a mirrored clone of Medusa-East.


"It looks smaller than I imagined, but still looks to be a great ride." -- CPLady
Riding the Bull anywhere but the back is merely going for a walk.
Sorry Moosh, but it isn't. It is going to be very different. Many specs like height and speed do not match as well as the fact this coaster will have a "speed hill." How is that an exact clone?

A friend of mine took an overhead of Medusa East and mirrored it, studied it and the footers do not match the layout. No question about it. Of course, I can not prove this, but it won't be too long before you can see it with your own eyes.

Mamoosh's avatar
GK...have *you* seen the blueprints?


"It looks smaller than I imagined, but still looks to be a great ride." -- CPLady

Medusa hasd a speed hill right after the helix and before the corkscrews.

Da Poodle

Coming in 2003-The Spawn Of Magnum!

As a matter of fact, I have Moosh.
How does a 14 year old kid come by some blue prints?

I suppose you know someone who knows someone?

Da Poodle

Coming in 2003-The Spawn Of Magnum!

LOL! I knew one of you would bring up age. I am sorry to say but I have seen scans of the blue prints. I have also seen Superman the Escape and Batman blueprints.

Ok, now that you guys are going to make fun of me, I might as well just say it isn't a Medusa mirror. I thought it was too until I "had proof" so to say. Granted it is close, but not a clone. See you there media day.

Edit: Didn't come across as I wanted it to :)
*** This post was edited by GoliathKills 2/6/2003 1:30:26 AM ***

Like Gasm-II was not a clone of Shockwave?


Sorry I just tend to become cynical when some kid or another comes in here every other week and says they have saw the blueprints to whatever and have no proof.

Da Poodle

Coming in 2003-The Spawn Of Magnum!

*** This post was edited by MagnumForce 2/6/2003 1:39:32 AM ***

I wish I could have "saw" the blueprints also. If you're going to rip on someone for being young, lets try to do so as an adult.

The world's going to Hell, and Im going to bed.

Who's ripping?

Da Poodle

Coming in 2003-The Spawn Of Magnum!

Hey, I don't care. In fact I believe their doubts are justified. Lets get back on topic though as to not ruin the thread.
Any footer places are likely to be different. Even different Batman's have different support structures and footers.

-Brent "not ripping just cynical" Kneebush

Da Poodle

Coming in 2003-The Spawn Of Magnum!

Olsor's avatar
We really need to start a "Scream won't be a clone" drinking game. Every time someone claims Scream won't be a clone, take a shot. Then we'll all be thoroughly hungover by the time Scream opens. Heck, we'll probably be hungover by Friday...

I'm sure I'm one of many buzzers who reversed the picture of Medusa east conveniently linked to above, and compared it to pictures of Scream's footers. It certainly looks like it could be a mirrored clone. Needless to say, we cynics will gladly eat our words upon the confirmation of a "very different" layout.

This reeks of the great L-TH-B debate...

"Na na na na na na na na LEA-DER!"

Goliath Kills, the *whole* purpose SF re-investing in B&M is the fact that they could get 3 cloned layouts for their 3 most profittable parks, thus adding 3 quality coasters without having to bankroll the R&D for original layouts.

Anyone who thinks Scream or the Superman flyers are anything but clones are in for quite a disappointment.

You don't know who's ripping? I can smell it...

Lake Compounce-So Fresh and So Clean Clean

Mamoosh's avatar
For the record I was not ripping on GK. He and I disagree about Scream but we're not fighting.


"It looks smaller than I imagined, but still looks to be a great ride." -- CPLady

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