Scooby-Doo and the Haunted Mansion will appear at Paramount's Kings Dominion for the 2004 season. The animated adventure begins as guests board their very own replica Mini-Mystery Machine that travels through ghastly graveyards, creepy corridors, and down into dingy dungeons. While winding through the mansion, riders are equipped with "Fright Light" ghost blasters to zap ghosts and collect points. Points are tallied at the end of the experience to see who has the best ghost-zapping ability. The ride will be located in the Kidzville section of the park.
Not to down it... it's actually one really cool ride that adults get a kick out of, just as much as the kiddies... er... or at least, I did.
I still like Buzz Lightyear MUCH more. The guns here are bad and the ride is pretty boring.
The Mole
This is however a smart move on PKD's part,they needed to attract more from the family demographic & this is just the ride to do it.We've still got DZ to keep us satisfied with the park until the next major attraction is added,most likely in 2005 for PKD's 30th anniversary.
"I go out at 3 o' clock for a quart of milk and come home to my son treating his body like an amusement park!" - Estelle Costanza
As Mitch always said, "Never wave to someone you don't know, because what if they don't have a hand?"
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