I recently got ACE news in the mail. I just can't seem to tell how SCAD works from the picture. Someone explain?

It's his turn to feast, when you ride the Son of Beast.


Go to and download Robb's IAAPA video if you have the time. There is some footage in it that shows it in operation.

-Sean (who thinks the SCAD he did was one of the, if not THE best non-coaster attraction he has done)

So wait. You're in a harness, they hang you, then you pull a rip cord(like on Extreme Skyfler) and you just fall into a net?

Sounds like my type of ride!

It's his turn to feast, when you ride the Son of Beast.

Yup, it's complete freefall. You just drop into a net. I guess they're putting one in at WI Dells this summer.

Ride the New England Bush!

Here is the link of the SCAD going into Wisconsin Dells. They have pics and a video of this ride.

Im going to grab a cold one! WHAT? Walk to my computer! WHAT? Turn the thing on! WHAT? Log on to Coasterbuzz! WHAT? I said log on to Coasterbuzz!! WHAT?WHAT?WHAT?

I think I might have to take off work this summer to goto the Dells. Ya think my mean supervisors will let me Spacecase?


I HATE SNOW!!! I am boycotting snow, I refuse to have fun in it.

Im gonna go out on a limb and say you fall into a big net. ;)

"Ruba dub dub, thanks for the grub...yay god!"

What is SCAD?

------------- visit for some great thrills!
"enough is enough"-?

What is SCAD?

------------- visit for some great thrills!
"enough is enough"-?


SCAD is the name for Montic's Suspended Catch Air Device that seem to be getting more popular the last couple of years.


Yep, that's pretty much it. They put you in a harness so you are kind of in a fetal postion, then without warning (most of the time), they pull a cord and down you go. Because of the postion you are in, you don't really get reference to falling beecause you don't really see the ground rushing up at you. If you do look up while falling, you get to see the cage you were just in go away.

Each of the 4 times I did the SCAD, I had that feeling of, "AAAAA! Please catch me!" while falling. That feeling never went away.


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