Roto Drop rides

How in the world can I build a roto drop tower about 250-300ft. tall and have people ride it? I always built one in the first rct game and everyone came and rode it. Now I can't build a good one unless it's about 150-200 ft. tall.
kpjb's avatar
Yeah, I don't know why the intensty is set so high for these rides. In reality, 250' drop rides are pretty common, and have high ridership. If you try it in RCT, though, its Ultra-Extreme intensity, and no one will come near it.

"When I was growing up, we were taught something called manners. You'd understand that if you weren't such an idiot." - Jack Handey

It should definitely allow you to build a brakes section and a freefall section of the tower. For taller towers, a longer brake section would be needed to stop the ring comfortably. It makes no sense to use the same amount of brakes (heightwise) on a 150 ft. and 300 ft. tower.

Sean, who was asked for ID when buying RCT2.
Nitro, Gemini, Laser, Ice, Thunder...The American Gladiators!
The only Coasterbuzz member with Ridgeline Racer in their Track Record.

Same with the Whoa Belly rides, anything above like 150 ft will be too intense and not enough excitement.

Don't Worry- Its ONLY 230 feet tall.

Here's the interesting thing about the Roto Drops. The ones with the best ratings are about 70 feet tall. Strange...

I agree that the intensity ratings are out of proportion. Its useless to build a realistic or even record-breaking size ride because it will have a rating which is far higher than what people want to ride. Its not a big deal, but it could easily be adjusted just a bit.

Just another reason I wish someone would come up with a trainer like the one that was out for the very first RCT (no expansion packs) that would make all rides have 100% popularity with the guests.

Money is no longer an issue if you can build a half-ways decent park given an infinite budget, but I still wish I could get that flexibility the "people will ride anything" feature gave...I hate building a great coaster, with a very tight layout, and then find out that it has an intensity of 11 or so, rendering it almost unrideable, and due to the tightness of the layout, impossible to fix without Rattler-esque castration...

I know why is this only 150-200 feet

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