Rolling Thunder at SFGrAm

Anyone remember this one? I was really young when it was still running and I only had the chance to ride it once. How did you all like it? Anyone upset when it was taken down like now with the Sky Whirl?
Batman: The Ride replaced it, right?

ChillnVilln said:
"Anyone remember this one? I was really young when it was still running and I only had the chance to ride it once. How did you all like it? Anyone upset when it was taken down like now with the Sky Whirl?
Batman: The Ride replaced it, right?"

Sounds exactly like me! I got the chance to ride it once when I was really small, and I believe it was my first coaster. I don't remember much detail at all, except the helixes and how the train connected back to the track again at the end. I want to go to Great Escape and ride it again to bring back the memories!

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Viper Replaced it, first of all. Second, I liked what I remembered of it.
Six Flags Great America #1 Park!!! AOL Im ScreenName : RollrCoastr00

I rode rolling thunder many many times. It was really good rollercoaster. Like it that it sounded like thunder. It was located next to the whizzer, next to viper and where Southwest Territory is now
Six Flags Great America Rules
Here is the truth.
The Rolling Thunder was a fun Bobsled coaster. It was removed the year after the Viper was built when they added Southwest Territory. Personally I think they should have kept it because it was a unique coaster and there aren't many left in the world. The ride was relocated to The Great Escape Park in New York and is currently running under the name Alpine Bobsled.
I loved that ride soo much. On some (most) of the turns, you could feel a side come off of the track!!! THat was awesome. The ride looked cool too, and I still have great memories of it. I hope I can go to Great Escape some time and bring back old memories. Anyone know where I can find old pics of it???

May 5th, Gurnee, Illinois, "I'm sprinting for V2"
That ride was doomed from the start. It had a minimum and maximum height restriction.
That ride absolutely SUCKED! It was boring and uncomfortable. My knees were pressed against the back of the seat in front of me the whole ride. If you want to know how that ride is, go to CP and ride disaster transport. It's about the same ride, but DT is a little better because the cars are roomier and the cheezy themeing is kinda funny.

THe cars werent THAT small were they??? THe track looks way too small too. I don't remember it being this small..

May 5th, Gurnee, Illinois, "I'm sprinting for V2"

I remember it being painful, jerky, and a general waste of materials. And that was when I was 12.
2001- the year of flight!
I remember it as a harsh ride.. but it was fun, and actually scary to me! Like, I thought the train was gonna fly off the track.. And it was soo cool , to see all those hats laying on the track, it was like, everyone threw their hats on there,, it was normal.
anyone remeber tidal wave, the greatest coaster ever at great america. it was one of the first coaster i rode because i wasnt told enough for iron wolf or shockwave. i love that thing

The cars were very small and uncomfortable. Plus the ride was a downtime machine. If anyone spit on the ride course they would have to shut the thing down. (JK) Rain was not this rides best friend. I think all rides of this sort should be built indoors, it just makes sense.

john peck's avatar
The scary thing is, is that the cars were replaced with larger ones when the ride moved to Great America.
It of couse came from Great Adventure. *** This post was edited by john peck on 3/13/2001. ***
Actually, here's an odd tibit. Coasterman, you are correct. The ride was not removed for Viper, the ride actually still stood while Viper was operating. Don't believe me?

If you have the latest America's Greatest Roller Coaster Thrills DVD, check out the Viper track. Look at it from angle one, and when the train enters the second fan turn (the one closest to the front gate) the camera will pull out, showing Rolling Thunder, still standing in all of it's glory. The ride was removed a year after in preparation for the new Southwest Territory project.

It's coming... *** This post was edited by GenuineCynic on 3/13/2001. ***
I do indeed have that and it is in the backround. I allways thought Viper replaced it, but it didn't
I rode Rolling Thunder once when I was a kid. I remember the turns being very tight, and fast. I saw a few pictures at an unofficial site that I can't remember anymore. It was a pretty cool ride from what I could remember.
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