Rollercoaster on Entertainment Weekly

Hey, I was just looking at the back of the December 6, 2002 edition magazine (I don't know why I started reading from the back) and there's like a yellow coaster where the trains are 2002 Corolla. I was just wondering which coaster it was, it looks very cool.



Sorry, forgot to search.

"I'm not a wooden puppet, I'm a real boy!" - Pinocchio

OK. I've been a member here for a long time, so I know what topics have been discussed to death and thus don't repeat them.

However, on the rare occasion that I have attempted to use the search feature, it seems that no matter what word or words I type in, I get 160 pages of threads, or some number that is obviously too high to search through.

A search for "Entertainment Weekly" (a term you'd think would not be used much on this site) results in 23 pages of threads. God forbid you should look up "Millennium Force."

Am I doing something wrong here?

A day is a drop of water in the ocean of eternity. A week is seven drops.

I wondered the same thing. I also searched under "Entertainment Weekly" and I tried "Magazine." Nothing.

*** This post was edited by Sky Whirl Guy on 12/12/2002. ***

That is the very reason that so few people search. It is not this board, it is every board. I tried to fing the thread talking about that insane river rapid ride and I got dozens of pages of completely unrelated material.
On any search feature, the higher the topic is in the search finds, the more relevance it is. Now this search could be set up in such a way as to not search for a title, but search for keywords in the posts. Any clues, Jeff?

SOB crew in twenty 02
111 SOB laps, and wishing the park was still open

Yeah, I was wondering myself. I tried searching and got nothing...


Back to the coaster, if it is the same one that was discussed in the other thread I remeber people theorizing that it was either Steel Phantom(before the reprofile) or SFMM Viper. In both cases the coaster would have been digtally repainted to yellow. I don't remember how the thread ended so I don't know if any other coasters were mentioned as possibilites. Also I have seen the pic and really can't find any distinguishing background landmarks to make a good guess for myself.

Now, Jeff if you read this could you please do smething about the people who jump on threads with DO A SEARCH replies. There only needs to be one chief in this tribe(or 1 chief and his mods in this case). Too many people jump down peoples throats here with the "search" reply and it seems they only do it to see their own name on the page. They take up more space than the person posting a similar thread to one already in existance.

Sky Whirl Guy apologized but there are too many other people who are way to rude.

Here's a solution,if you see a thread that's been discussed before find the similar thread, answer the question or provide a link then close the new thread without the rude comments.


DawgByte II's avatar

In all honesty... it looks like a "doctored" up photo, if you ask me... it looks like they took the element from a coaster, such as the SFDL's Viper... changed the color to yellow, and just made the vehicle travel the other way (you can see the track where it comes back is lower than the foreground track where the Toyota vehicle is coming towards the picture).

That's my best guess... unless there are other coasters that have the same element with the same track layout... but again, with computers... color means nothing!

I saw that coaster. It was a cool ad. It had a car on a coaster. I tried to figure which one it was but I couldn't figure it out either. Looked kinda like Drachen Fire meets Magnum. Maybe they made a CGI coaster? Those car ads are expensive...
Jeff's avatar

Den said:

A search for "Entertainment Weekly" (a term you'd think would not be used much on this site) results in 23 pages of threads. God forbid you should look up "Millennium Force."

I just did a search for "Entertainment Weekly," set the order for rank, looked at the first result, and what do you know, the first post has "Entertainment Weekly" right there in the first few words.

The bitter irony is that said post is by Den. ;)

But seriously folks, depending on how common a word is, your results will vary.

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin - -

DawgByte II's avatar
Thing is... that thread had nothing to do with the Corolla (or is it Camery?) ad that's on the back of EW (and a few other magazines).

I found the same thing and it had to do with Coney Island being "in" or something. Is it that hard to answer a question? It IS a message board. And then there wouldn't be a topic about searching properly if someone would have just answered the question in the first place.

My first thoughts about the picture were what Arrow coasters are yellow and have boomerangs, but it probably is a creation of Photoshop or something.

Anybody else notice Goliath looming in the far left corner?

Lake Compounce-So Fresh and So Clean Clean

Does anyone have a link or a picture of it? I gotta see this.

chuckles-the cheeky monkey at pontins!

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