rollercoaster in own backyard

I remember that a while back there was news of someone who built thier own coaster in thier backyard. Does anyone remember the site that the pics and video were on? thanks
Ritchie Rich?

Ozzfest 2001: The greatest show on earth!
I downloaded the video clip of it. Pretty cool for a do-it-yourself wooden coaster... however, I don't have the link, so basically... I'm no help.

The Great Escape... Soon to become Six Flags Adirondack Escape!!!
Hey thrill seeker i remember the video too lol I was the one that told you about it (seeing how i was just over your house)~lol ill keep lookin patrick.

Sit up right, hold on tight!
Thanks sadiecarp
Funny that this should come up...

I was wondering to myself earlier if there ever has been a ridiculously rich individual who decided that he/she needed a rollercoaster in their backyard.

I know if I had $4 million burning a hole in my pocket I'd ask CCI to throw a Shivering-Timbers-style out-and-backer in my backyard....

This is a cool one too.

(Who will be at Cedar Point August 9th. E-mail me if you're gonna be there.)
(They're the same sites...)

.:| Brandon Rodriguez |:.

Logan B. said:
"Funny that this should come up...

I was wondering to myself earlier if there ever has been a ridiculously rich individual who decided that he/she needed a rollercoaster in their backyard. "

Actually, you dont have to be rich to construct the coaster that he did. He lives out in the middle of nowhere(I think Oklahoma) so land isnt that expensive. If you know carpentry, than this really isnt an expensive thing to do. If I owned alot of land, than a buddy of mine who is an expert in carpentry could build me a wooden coaster in my back yard. It would actually cost less than building a custom made deck.
""Coaster riding is a disease and SFGAm is the cure!!!!!!!""

BrandonR said:
"(They're the same sites...)

.:| Brandon Rodriguez |:.

" target="_blank">"

Ha! Guess I should have checked the link before I posted. :)


(Who will be at Cedar Point August 9th. E-mail me if you're gonna be there.)
It only cost him 5k!

------------- for Real/Defunct/mini coasters and parks for RCT
In some of my Rollercoaster! magazines there are pictures of guys who built mini-coasters off their roofs. The had the track coming off the roof and then going over a bunny hop before turning into a shed where the brakes we located. It was pretty cool.
I would build a clone of the crystal beach cyclone in my back yard!
I would clone MF and put it in my backyard! Wouldn't have to pay $39 to get into CP then!

"Welcome back Raptor riders. How was your flight?"
How about just buy a house next to an amusement park and have the whole park in your backyard instead of just one coaster? :) Cheaper too!

Po!nt of View: A different look at Roller Coasters.
thy can build them taller and faster but there will never be another crystal beach cyclone... true...true.
That guys really achieved something as an enthusiast..
I think if I had enough cash and room I would go for a nice WildCat or Jet Star, they are fun, pull some nice g's and have airtime here and there. The only problem I see is the computer, you would have to re-configure it probably so if you were alone you could run it, like re-locate some panels and such.

MF Drops-22
SOB Rides-2
CrystalKat, I am lucky to have that luxury, thought it may cost $110 a year it is well worth it. I live 2 minutes from CP and since I don't have much of a backyard except the bay, I consider CP my backyard.

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