Roller Coaster Show on tonight!

It was a great show. I loved all the MF and Goliath footage, and I got a kick out of the IOA coaster-phobic segment.
I liked the show. one thing I did not like though was when they mentioned Son of Beast they said it was located at "Paramount King Island" leavind out the s`s on Paramount and king.

@ the end some guy from SFMM said "we do not know where the future of roller coasters will take us, there are new ones all the time" or something like that.....He knew they were getting X
Drachen Fire, Will it be swimming with the fishies?
I think that was the best coaster show so far the others to me seemed very slow in showing the coasters. Like, The World's Best Thrill Parks.
I missed it!!! Does anyone know when it will be on again??? Or can someone send me a copy!!!

Six Flags Great America #1 Park!!! AOL Im ScreenName : RollrCoastr00
I must have been the only person not to like that special at all. The only special worse than that one was the BGT thing they did last week (Weak is the key word). The coasterphobics, I didn't want to see that stuff, I find people screaming at a TV a little alarming. The special seemed to not connect, know what I mean? It's nice when they talk about a ride, show the ride, and move on. I would have lost my mind if they had showed Stealth one more time, they just did such a bad job they didn't "show" Stealth like they did in the last year special. It was like they would be showing a park or another ride and Stealth would be there, flying by you. Not to mention the "resident" ride designer, wow, to think. Those were words of wisdom (sarcasm), I'm sure the guy said good things that ended up being cut, but this whole "yeah, we try to scare you" business was funny.

Anyways, my favorite coaster shows are those two they always show, you know with Drachen Fire in it and there's one that does a great piece on Shivering Timbers. Those shows are awesome. There's no doctors there who are telling me why I like coasters:).......
I heard it was supposed to air again at 11:00 EST. I live in Toledo OH, and I was in school so I didn't get to watch it but I'll check again at 11:00 to find out.

00' MF Laps-36
I got a kick out of how they showed some parts of Adventure Express at PKI. Come on now. Its about the biggest and best coasters, and they show one of the smaller (not worst. Pretty good coaster) coasters in the park. And yes, coasterez, i did catch PKI`s "new" (not plurl) name. Quite funny.

all about PKI,
the Beasts` Den!!!!!!!!
Will it really be on again today at 11:00 EST (10:00 CT)??? I hope, missed it last time.

Ver...Ver...Ver...Vertical Veloity!!! I'm getting over stimulated!
I was surprised that they did not show any footage nor have any mention of TA2K/Hypersonic XLC, considering it is certainly available to be filmed. All in all, not a bad show - there's a thread over at that has some more times it will be showing if you're interested.

Po!nt of View: A different look at Roller Coasters.

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