Roller Coaster Rating Sites


Does anyone have a favorite roller coaster rating site? Where you can track your rides and rate them and such. I like ThemeParkCritic and CoasterGrotto and was just looking for some more to check out...


Us supercool CoasterBuzz club members get to keep out track records here.


"I don't like anyone's balls to roll..." - Koaster King

rollergator's avatar
I thought the thread title was "Roller Coaster Ranting Sites"....NOW where am I supposed to go...;)
your company's name and logo HERE...effective advertising at great rates!
Thrill Network? ;)


Small, green leafy bodies, long tongues drooling over sharp incisors, they weren't human, they were brussel sprouts, killer brussel sprouts.

rollergator's avatar
Nah....changed my mind due to Ryan's suggestion....I'll confine my *ranting* to the sites I already know and love...:)

The rest of now KNOW who's to blame...."Rantin' and Raven"...;)

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