Roller Coaster Law

I go to this thing called Youth Legislature in North Carolina. You write a bill and if it is selected then you present it to the legislature and it can become a law. This year I want to do something amusement park related. Do you guys have any ideas for what I could do? Are there any state laws that I should change for amusement parks or fairs? Thanks in advance.

Make it ilegal to ask "Does this go up-side down?" in line!

I need to use the Pipi station.

Send in some liability thing where if a person is hurt becuase of their own negligence they can not come back at the park for damages. I wish more places had this law into effect. That way if you hurt yourself doing something illegal(by park rules) the park is not liable.

Have you hugged a Beemer today?

Thanks, that is a great idea Brendan. Now I just have to check if that is already in place or not. Thanks again

"Grit your teeth, bear the load. Enjoy your ride on Thunder Road"

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