I forget who the author is, but I think the book "The American Roller Coaster" is pretty good. It takes you, chapter after chapter, through the history of coasters... through the good years, and the bad. There is a chapter or two devoted to "how things work" and "how things are built."
There are lots of pics of now defunct coasters.
Some of the more recent "scream machines" are not featured because of the date the book was written (1999 I think... even Hersheypark's Lightning Racer is only in the book as the "pre-construction" computer graphic).
Kind of hard to take a post as objective if a park or coaster name is part of the "user name"
I was asked to describe X in one word. The word? -- OhmygoshwhathaveIgottenmyselfintothisisthescariest
I've got Rollercoaster as well and it's a well written book which gives some good biographies on most of the top designers of the past and present,you can find some information on how coasters work from a phyiscs standpoint but not much else.
Another book to check out is White knuckle ride by Mark Wyatt,it gives some good detail into the history of coasters but not as great as in Rollercoaster,other recomended titles include rollercoaster lovers companion and rollercoasters of the US and Canada 2nd edition.
Bennett's book is one of the best in my mind. It has some great pictures along with description about coasters and designers. Here is a link to his book on Barnes and Noble's website.
Here are three books along those lines. . .
THE FANTASTICAL ENGINEER: A Thrillseeker's Guide to Careers in Theme Park Engineering, Celeste Baine.
THE INCREDIBLE SCREAM MACHINE: A History Of The Roller Coaster, Dr. Robert Cartmell.
And you might find something of value on this site.
I started out with nothing and still have most of it left.
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