RIP: Bob Vaccaro...

You and your family are in our prayers!

Now officially a Halloween Haunt Cornstalker for Fall '08!
So sad to hear condolences to you and your family.
Thinking about you Rob. Miss you buddy. Your family was kind enough to share their home with some travel weary fellas two years ago.

Take care man, you know how to get a hold of me if you need anything.


I'm so sorry, Rob. You and your family have my condolences as well.

"You seem healthy. So much for voodoo."

You know, when I saw Bob Vaccaro, I thought it was you Rob, which scared the sh!t outta me as I know how young you are. In any case, I am sorry for you loss. I cannot imagine the feelings you are having right now. You are a very decent guy (we met @ SFA once, the night of the notorious "monkey" and "furby" trains during the Coaster Zombies invasion). I have no words that would comfort you, but I'm sure your dad was proud of you.

lata, jeremy
PlaceHolder for Castor & Pollux

hey Rob, i too remember meeting you at the infamous SRM 03 sorry to hear about your loss, you and your family are definitely in my prayers. hope to see you again in the future man...take care:)

still trying to think of a good signature...

Jeff's avatar
You know, it's funny, but it seems so many of us met Rob at that SRM. I don't know why he stood out so much, but he did. The really weird thing is that I remember him getting behind me the night of the accident when I justified my beer consumption to the idea that we just don't know when our time to go is. Indeed... we really do have to live every day to the fullest. We just don't know.

I remember Rob posted something about opening a restaurant where he worked in Orlando later that fall, and about him being able to hook us up. I didn't get there until a few weeks later (IAAPA), but I saw Rob on the parking shuttle bus.

It's just weird, the little things you remember about people you don't see frequently. That's the funny thing about the Internet, and the fact that you remember more in the rare instance you meet face to face. Never met your dad, but it's awesome that you had what sounds like a good relationship with him.

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

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