Riding alone

Personally, I never go to parks alone.  I always take my wife, and many times another couple.  However, my wife gets sick after a few rides, and doesn't ride any more for the rest of the day.  So I'm stuck riding by myself.

I think riding a coaster alone is kind of like watching a comedy alone.  You can still see the parts that are funny, and you may chuckle to yourself, but you don't laugh out loud and nearly wet your pants like you might if the room was full of laughing people.  So on a coaster, by yourself is fun, but it's just not the same unless there's someone next to you screaming.

That's another reason why B&Ms are the greatest.  The four-seat trains let my wife take a break, and I can still ride "with" the other couple who is with us.


You can't spell "dishonorable" without "honorable."

I really dislike riding alone. I don't know how people do it. Sometimes I have to make sacrifices on what I'd like to ride, but it's preferable to walking around a park by yourself.

Of course, when I was younger, I always used to hope that I would find a girl at the park to ride with me. :)

Doesn't it seem as though morons always have the caps lock on?

try riding alone on the coney island cyclone with no seat dividers. you slide from side to side on every turn. sometimes it's good not to be sitting next to someone.

Since my girlfriend isn't exactly a huge coaster fan, and since my friends can't get the same days off that I get, I spend a lot of time at parks on my own. I've come to enjoy it actually, as I don't have to worry about dealing with 3 other opinions on what to do next. I set the pace, I ride what I want to ride when I want to ride it, I can eat at my leisure.... it's really not a bad set-up. People invariably will strike up a conversation in a queue line (the guests at Kennywood were extremely friendly even after finding out I was from Cleveland!) and the day just seems a little more "personal".

Of course, riding solo has its drawbacks also.... especially on rides like Kennywood's Thunderbolt. But in most cases, I have enjoyed my solo trips to some of the area's parks.


I don't mind visiting parks alone at all.

While the majority of my park visits are with CBaby and Da 'Midget at the absolute minimum, solo visits have their advantages.  You're not quibbling with a committee about what ride to board next, what to eat, what to do or aimlessly standing around waiting to meet back with person X at Time Y. 

Frankly, when I do wind up stuck in one of these situations I don't mind--because I know I can do as I please some other time.  Then I can gladly gear the day toward the particular group I'm with.

If you're an outgoing person just having a good time, you'll find yourself with a group anyway--like the guys I was riding Boulder Dash with @ LC or the gang I was splashing and dunking @ WildWater Kingdom (among this year's solo visits).  The best thing about these groups is that you're not stapled to them like the ones you bring with you.  Say good-bye when you wanna, bump into them later.  No obligations.

The same principle applies to meeting the opposite sex...if that's what you're looking for.  I guess the best advice is to stop looking or trying to find anyone else. Just relax and make friends with people instead of dates or spouses.  I know they're out there.....because I'm not looking for anybody at all (married 12 years) but it seems I get hit on regardless.  This summer was really weird because it wasn't just the usual single moms, but young teen girls too.  I almost wondered, "Where were you women when I was single?" except the answer would have been GRADE SCHOOL.  Cringe!!! Cringe!!!


*** This post was edited by CoastaPlaya on 1/23/2002. ***

I don't mind hitting parks by myself.  Sure, it's fun to have people with you (especially fellow enthusiasts ;) ) but if the choice is sit at home and do nothing, or hit a park, I know which I'm doing...

"The questions ticket agents ask at airports are useless, but give an illusion of security to the GP. Much like seatbelts on roller coasters...
My page

P> don't mind going to parks by myself.  Sometime find it more enjoyable because you get to meet new people.  often spend a couple of hours after work at Kennywood just to unwind.  t can be very relaxing.  f someone is ready to go they are more then welcome to come with me.  Sometime being by myself is just what need.  can go at my own pace./P>
P>FONT style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffff">Coasterman Mike/P>
Total rides on Phantom's Revenge: 49
Total rides on Pittfall: 255
Total rides on Superman:UE : 633
I used to ride coasters alone most of the time.  My father (the one who ignited my enthusiasm for coasters) loves woodies, but the sideways motions that accompany most steel coasters (looping ones, anyway) make him feel a little weird.  Therefore, whenever we would go to a park, he was up for the woodies but sat out the B&Ms, Arrows, and Vekomas.

Now that I have sparked enthusiasm in most of my friends, I always visit parks with them.  Going solo now feels awkward... it has nothing to do with any kind of fear, it just feels like a big part of the experience is MIA.  Like Den said, its like watching a comedy alone...

going to parks alone is a little boring for me.  most of the time that I've ridden a coaster solo is when I'm with my family.  they don't mind the wait, but the don't like the coasters and after a coaster we do something everyone will enjoy.  so they (usually my mom) wait in line, cross over the loading platform, and I ride solo or with other people who don't want to waste a whole row on a great B&M coaster.  two really embarassing times I was at SFGA comlpetly alone and when I went to ride Iron Wolf and Raging Bull there was a group of four behind me so I was the only person in the row.  fortunatly, a couple took the other seats so I wasn't completly alone, but I much perfer riding with my friends 'cause I have a whole lot more fun with them even if I have to comprimise on what to ride (which usually doesn't turn out that bad)
Knott's Berry Farm Cuba ~South Park
One thing I *don't* like about going to parks with a group is that there's always someone who wants to leave early. "I'm hungry" or "I'm tired" are not the things you want to hear if your still having a good time. Another advantage of hitting a park alone.
"Conviction is a luxury for those who sit on the sidelines"-A Beautiful Mind(best film of 2001)
I prefer going with someone else, but going alone often beats the option, especially when the option is sitting in a hotel room on a business trip.

Actually, I ride alone a lot since I'm usually accompanied by 2 daughters who ride together most of the time.  As Den said, a real advantage to B&Ms where all 3 of us can ride in the same row.

I occasionally will go to PKI or SFKK by myself if i'm bored or something.  Usually though, i enjoy being with friends, if only for making fun of the other people in line with them.  Or just doing dumb stuff like seeing who can hold their breathe the longest or little games like that. 
Father Lucifer, you never looked so sane. You did always did prefer the drizzle to the rain
DWeaver, I agree with you on people wanting to leave early.  Only once in the past 4 years have I stayed at a park until closing, and the closing time was 8 p.m.  Back in the day, it wasn't worth it unless you got there at 9:30 a.m. and stayed until they shut the music off.  Now, someone is always bored.

Ravenguy, your story of holding your breath brought back memories.  Especially of the one time that my brother and I saved up the spit in our mouths for over an hour while waiting in line for Raptor.  Then, right before we got on, we spit it out over the edge of the station, 20 feet down into a fan, where it splashed all over the place.  Hilarious - and gross, yes, but we were teen-agers.

You can't spell "dishonorable" without "honorable."

I haven't ever really gone on a coaster alone.  Does it count if the person youre sitting with is fervently praying and wishing they weren't on the train, and they're covering all possible head-located input-sensory items?  Umm, but this summer I'm going to take my sister to SFA.  She's not a coaster enthusiast by any definition, but we shall see how it goes.  She needs a little more adventure in her life.  ;-)  Muhaha.
Raven guy..  I used to live in Lexington.  I'm guessing you're somewhere in that proximity too?
Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like bananas.
I can really enjoy riding coasters alone as well as many other rides, However I do get a extra thill riding a wild coaster with my brother or another who loves to just let go and ride for the fun and sensations.

Im talking that if the coaster slams you into each other, it's not the discomfort you remember but the experience.

Chuck, who was whaloped by brother on Riversides Cyclones fourth turn around by my brother and will look back on that as one of the most memorable and fun things ever on a coaster despite it knocked the wind out of me!

Charles Nungester
Park Jockey :)

Homey G. said:
Raven guy..  I used to live in Lexington.  I'm guessing you're somewhere in that proximity too?

UK Freshman, baby. 

Father Lucifer, you never looked so sane. You did always did prefer the drizzle to the rain

As my wife will not ride coasters,I usually ride alone.However,my grandaughter and I have gone on kiddy coasters together,so I have a coaster enthusiast in training.I am looking foward to going on the big coasters with her when she gets older.I am being careful not to take her on rides that are not too scary for her as I want coaster riding to be a positive experience for her.I will build her up to the bigger rides gradually.
RavenGuy, have an Ale8 for me.  Or better yet, mail me one.
You can't spell "dishonorable" without "honorable."
I find that both riding alone and riding with a person are fun for different reasons. I really enjoy going with friends to parks I've gone to many times if I'm going to be there for more than 2 hours. It gives me something to do. If I'm going to a park I've never been to, though, I sometimes prefer to be alone, although it's only happened once.

When I was at SFSTL, I spent 4 hours with my friends, and then they went back to the trailer and I was alone in the park. It was so much fun just choosing what to go on and being able to go at my own pace...very laid back, yet still getting on as many rides as possible. Either way, riding is quite fun.

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