Riders stuck upside-down on Oaks Amusement Park pendulum ride

Posted | Contributed by GoBucks89

Portland firefighters rescued dozens of people trapped upside down on a ride at Oaks Amusement Park Friday afternoon. Riders on the AtmosFEAR ride said they were stuck for around 25 to 30 minutes, but it felt like hours.

Read more from KGW/Portland.

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Jeff's avatar

By "rescued," I assume they mean that they gave the ride a push. I totally get how it could stall, but I'm surprised the motors weren't able to give it a push. Not sure who makes this one, but the giant frisbees have, what, six motors on the hub?

Jeff - Editor - CoasterBuzz.com - My Blog

hambone's avatar

Warning: Speculation Ahead.

IF there's some device that holds the arm in the vertical upside-down position, then maybe that device got stuck for some reason? And IF that's so, there might be a lockout so that if the holding device is engaged, the motors can't run, to avoid the ride fighting itself?

I may be wrong, but I THINK the ride is from Zamperla…

Separate flat ride sources found on the internet list the Oaks ride as different manufacturers. One lists Zamperla Discovery and another lists Technical Park Frisbee. I think photos of the ride line up more with Technical Park’s ride. Zamperla has an example at Coney and it seems smaller.

I'm pretty sure it's a Zamperla Discovery Revolution 30 as RayP1970 mentioned. Wouldn't be the first time a Zamperla left people stuck upside-down. Remember this story just last September? https://coasterbuzz.com/For...-flat-ride

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