RideMan goes to a bunch of parks...

Associated parks:

The way that I create my trip reports, there isn't a good clean way to enter them into the CoasterBuzz editor. So rather than post my trip reports here, I'll post this notice: All of the trip reports I have written so far this season are now available on my web page in the 2002 Trip Report Archive.

Since I last posted a link here, I've added reports for Kings Island, Wonderpark, Cedar Point, Wyandot Lake, and Geauga Lake.

--Dave Althoff, Jr.

Snip from 5/12/2002 CP TR:

Footnote 1: At Cedar Point there is a definite heirarchy. It's less obvious to the naked eye now than it once was, but you can get an idea of any employee's position in the pecking order by looking at his name tag. Most are red; foremen are blue; supervisors are silver...and the "green help" have red tags marked, "RIDE PRIDE." [Return to text]


You almost got it. Supervisors are "double blue" meaning that they are still blue, but they have first and last name on the tag instead of just first name. Managers are the silver tags, along with the big dogs (VP's and such) like Dan Keller, Dick Kinzel, Bill Spehn, Monty Jasper, etc. I enjoyed reading your TR's as always Rideman. Any chance you'll be posting a transcript of the Coastermania Q&A again for us poor slobs who couldn't attend?

2001 Magnum Crew

*** This post was edited by MDOmnis on 6/11/2002. ***

Maybe, but it won't be entirely complete as I ran out of tape near the end. Fortunately, as one person put it, the Q&A was a bit like Millennium Force: it got off to a great start, but kind of fizzled at the end.
I have to get my Holiday World and SFKK reports written first! :)

--Dave Althoff, Jr.
kpjb's avatar
Do most parks do this? At KP/SC/IP regular employees are red tags, managers and seasonal supervisors are blue tags with different shirts, and full timers are gold.

"When I was growing up, we were taught something called manners. You'd understand that if you weren't such an idiot." - Jack Handey

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