For example, approximate cost for installing seat belts per car. Lap belts. Shoulder harnesses. Installing bucket seats. Etc.
Thanks very much for any help, or any points in the right direction.
If you can't stand the heights, get out of the line.
That gives you an idea of the B&M restraints. That's probably where you saw that price, Coaster Lover.
Is that really a lot of money? I mean, I haven't seen a price quote for an invert below $10mil.. usually closer to $13mil-$15mil Most have 2 trains * 32 harnesses = $81,084.16. That's really not all that much when you think about it. I'm sure other parts of the train cost more (like wheels) Not to mention how long do they last? To my knowledge, Talon has yet to replace any of the harnesses in the 5 years it's been running. It's not like a seatbelt that frays because of constant tightening/loosening during normal wear.
The other thing I thought funny is that it says 'M.S.R.P.'... which stands for "Manufacturer's Suggested RETAIL Price".. Well now, let me hop on down to Restraints-R-Us and buy one retail.
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