Until I rode Steel Phantom and Mr. Freeze (In it's OSTR state), Drachen Fire easily rated as the worst coaster experience of my life.
It was a good looking coaster, but that was it. At least the Bat had some redeeming qualities to the experience. Drachen Fire did have a great first drop/inversion but after that it was just a series of "oofs," "uggghs" and "eeeeowches."
Proud A-lister!
The Bat was an enjoyable ride with lots of turns near ground and trees which made it seem faster than it was. Today we might well think of it as kind of a junior like Runaway Reptar, but we would think of it as a pretty decent junior. (I enjoyed Runaway Reptar for what it is)
Drachen Fire was a brutal head banger. IMO worse than all except one or two of the Premiers. When you're totally distracted by the pain being inflicted on your head, you can't enjoy the ride.
Don't believe everything you think. - bumper sticker seen on 4/19/03
Nemesis Inferno - The Pressure is Building!
Rare RollerCoaster Resources - http://clik.to/rrcr
Anyway, to get back on topic, I think it's ridiculous to think that Arrow would build another suspended coaster, and even more ridiculous to think that they'd remake the Bat. As stated before, the last Arrow suspended coaster was Top Gun in '93. That was 10 years ago. Putting this into perspective, when was the last time a stand-up coaster was built? 1999. That was 4 years ago. I would bet my life savings (about $2.75) that you will not see a new installation of the stand-up concept. Therefore, logically, it would make less sense to expect a new suspended coaster to materialize in the near future. They are gimmicks. I also predict that once we see a 3- or 4-year period without a new floorless coaster that you could probably write them off as a thing of the past as well.
Have you ridden a Toboggan?
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