rec.roller coaster

what is the website for this, I have looked every where and cannot find it thanks.
Nope, you haven't looke everywhere.

It's a newsgroup so you would need a newsgroup reader. Still you can acces it through google groups but the messages there are delayed and such.

Don't, Don't Don't believe, Don't believe the hype.

I personally find RRC to be a chaotic mess. You're better off just staying here.

Without the chaindog, you'd never get up the lifthill...

Agreed Chaindog.

I dare anyone who complains about the moderating here to last a week on RRC..

All I need is 4.5 million bucks and a half a mile long sliver of land and maybe someone could build me my very own Shivering Timbers. ;)

nasai's avatar

Yeah... I only lurk on RRC. I have seen a few threads that are interesting, but for the most part it is one giant flame war over there. That, and the fact that there is a serious elitist attitude the just brews over into the responses. I loathe the wait times between comments....only 3 to 9 hours! ;) I have some friends that only post over there, but for the most part it seems that the people that regularly post there are a-holes or people who have been kicked off all the moderated sites already. Just my 2 cents....

They probably won't allow me back now.....:)
---------------- -who cares?

Chaindog said:
I personally find RRC to be a chaotic mess. You're better off just staying here.

I agree. I haven't participated on RRC for a year now and I don't miss it. I did make some great friends from the newsgroup but I just didn't think it was worth my time wading through the sludge of that group to get the good stuff.

I then checked out this site and was impressed what a moderated site was capable of doing. I normally wasn't a fan of moderated sites but this site showed me the positve aspect of moderation.


Jeff's avatar

Admit it Sean... you came just because I'm fun at parties. ;)

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin -,
"Let's stop saying 'don't quote me,' because if no one quotes you, you probably haven't said a thing worth saying." - Dogma, KMFDM

I've been on rec.roller-coaster since its creation. I read it, and sometimes post. Like Sean, I've made quite a few good friends through it, but the noise level can be really bad sometimes, and there are some really hostile folks who seem to be always itching for a fight. I get use out of it, but I also have a massive killfile for rrc...

(For non-netnews people, a killfile is basically a rules list that filters out unwanted messages before they show up on your screen...)

"Now all I want is to find a way home, to warn Earth -- look upward, and share the wonders I see..."
My page

rollergator's avatar
Some of my friends from RRC are opposed to the whole concept of "moderation"....I respect that...:). Used to read more often, but I feel like I'm begging for junkmail....
RRC was excellent 10 years ago, good 5 years ago, and not so hot today. I'm not a fan of moderation, but USEnet spam is too much.
Lord Gonchar's avatar
Aren't most newsgroups just relics from the days before the net got as huge as it is? I think I visited rec.rollercoaster once a few years back. Lots of noise, lots of nonsense to wade through, lots of wasted time.

Dorney Park visits in 2002: 17

I find searching the RRC archive on Google to be pretty useful and interesting. There is a lot of sludge but there is also quite a bit of accumulated knowledge.

I started out with nothing and still have most of it left.

Gemini's avatar
I agree, millrace. I first started on r.r-c back in 1992, but haven't been an active participant since about 1998 or so. The Google Groups search is a great research tool. It should come as no surprise that when I'm trying to find something, I usually end up finding it in an old Dave Althoff post :)

Virtual Midway

It's Worthless compared to to the BUZZ!


Jeff's avatar

I was a real asshole to a lot of people on RRC back in the late 90's, probably because I was provoked and didn't know better. Even when I decided to play nice, at that point, there wasn't much worth reading anyway without wading through the crap.

It's not that community's fault that it's so bad, it's just what happened when the Internet became a huge main stream thing. I mean, it's really all of Usenet these days. It's hard to even get decent help in the Microsoft groups anymore.

What I find funny (and irritating to a certain degree) is how some kids, and banees in particular, use it as their springboard to say how much CoasterBuzz and its moderation sucks. That doesn't bother me, but when they start saying that we censor opinions we don't agree with, that's when I get a little pissed.

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin -,
"Let's stop saying 'don't quote me,' because if no one quotes you, you probably haven't said a thing worth saying." - Dogma, KMFDM

There is some really nasty stuff going on in r-rc, tons of six flags and park bashings in general, also a lot of people who think they are elitist ACE members

i read it, but i dont know why, i guess its because sometimes there is good info on stuff there

I like RRC and find some good info there, as long as you can put up with the BS, though i usually just look and dont post.

Gor any SFGAM fans Mark Rosenzig(i think the name is right) started a post about SGFAM and the ride history from the parks opening and today and it was quite interesting!!

Hey, I used many coaster groups forums and think CB is one of the better ones. It definetly has a lot of great users :)

I must apologize to Jeff for saying he was cussing people out in rrc. That wasn't exactly the case. More like a heated dissagreement on CB and Jeff basically said if you don't like it. Don't post there with a few explitives which I have used before myself.

I really would like to meet Jeff someday, I have been kinda sceptical about some of his replies to things but hey, we all got opinions. Im sure hes great to be around.

Chuck, peace offering, Nungester

Charles Nungester.
Visit Lesourdsville Lake :) Park phone is (513)539-2193

I know that Mamoosh still uses rec.roller coaster

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