Really Basic Questions

I'm a two month long player, and have a bunch of dumbass questions. I've tried to devise experiments to answer the questions, but am still quite puzzled.

Can the people read? I mean, if I put up a sign that says "PARK EXIT" can they read the friggin thing or am I wasting my time? And if they can't read, why did the gamemakers bother to make signs with customizable tags? Or can they only read the names of rides?

Is there anything you can do for sick people besides build them baby rides? Mine refuse to go into the First Aid booth. Oh, a few do, but hardly any of the really sick ones (unless I use that method recommended here of digging a pit and making them stay in it with the FA booth until they feel better).

Does building distinctive themed scenery really help the people navigate the park? Does building tall objects help them find their way around (for instance, a tower of some type near the park entrance?)

Can you really not use a food court concept? I've read here that it's always best to space food booths out around the park, but it's so ugly!

Finally, where is the webpage with the downloadable scenery (etc.) I should post some of my stupid stuff, so all of you will feel like geniuses, because what I've seen here is amazing.


peeps cannot read. Signs are for your benefit only, and help to make a realistic, interesting park. They only 'read' the names that you apply to the rides labels for the sake of saying 'RollerCoaster1 was great!' No directional signs will help them.

The best thing to do for sick people is lots of benches and trash cans, especially at intense ride's exits, and I believe a bathroom at the exit helps too.

I don't believe scenery or 'wienies' help them navigate at all, only well laid out paths. When they are ready to leave they'll head in the direction of the exit, but they can get turned around if you've got too many paths connecting near it.

Food court concepts won't generally work b/c the peeps are programmed to get hungry/thirsty in intervals, and will buy from the first stand they come to when they become hungry or thirsty, they don't care what it sells. Any string of stands longer than 2 will have generally have unpatronized stands... but you can do it if you just think it looks nice. I tend to build more for appearance than for practicality myself.
*** This post was edited by ThemeDesigner 2/21/2003 2:25:29 PM ***

Thank you so much! I've been losing sleep over these things. I was pretty sure they couldn't read (although sometimes I stare at them and hallucinate and it seems some of them do!)

Thanks especially for the sick peeps tips.

They read banners that say NO ENTRY in red, don't they?

The only difference between stupidity and genius is genius has limitations.

Yes, your guests do not enter an area marked with a "No Entry" sign. The scenery you choose is to please your eye, not the guests'. They do appriciate the scenery, but it doesn't matter what you put down, just anything will make them think, "Great scenery!" And don't worry about how good you are, you'll get much better as you play the game more. :>)


I think the peeps do pay a bit more attention then we give them credit for.

While they may not complain all that much about scenery being out of place they sure do take notice & voice their complaints whenever they spot any litter or vandalism in the park.

If it's one thing I want to see in the expansion it's gotta be the removal of litter/puke/vandalism from the park,in a way it detracts from the fun of the game & more often than not makes things worse.

BTW does anyone know of any RCT2 trainers that have a clean paths/remove vandalism feature?

A good way to keep guests from turning your paths into disasters is to place a no entry sign facing outward a few squares from the ride exit. Put a bathroom or first aid station, and a few benches, between the sign and exit, so basically the bathroom will be reserved for sick people coming off the ride.


To avoid too much puke, make sure you keep all food stalls away from your ride entrances (if the rides have a nausea factor of above, say, 3.0). Make sure there is a length of path from the exit with benches, and that sometime after that, the exit path either dead ends into a first aid station, or something close. Don't put the first aid station in the middle of a long path... make sure it's right at a corner, or at a T-junction, so that peeps coming off the ride run smack dab into it. That helps a little in convincing them to actually go in. By setting it back a ways, you get all the 'very sick peeps' to sit down on benches... instead of puking on the path.

Also make sure there are drink stalls somewhere near the first aid station and ride exit.

So much help! Thanks. Much less puke in park.

BTW, some of you are among the funniest (and most fun) people I've met on the internet (which is where all the really fun folk hang out). I think you know who you are.

What's the highest dollar amount you've ever charged for a coaster? What kind of coaster was it?

Well, I'd share my scientifically proven method for determining ride price with you, but then I'd have to kill ya! ;)

The highest I've ever charged for a coaster was $20.00 (Las Vegas pricing :))for a gigacoaster with an excitement rating above 10. It was raking in over $45,000/hour at its peak!

Welcome to Coasterbuzz!

My K'Nex Coasters
Coming to Wyandot Lake in 2003: Hi-Striker's Revenge
*** This post was edited by jimmybob 2/27/2003 11:04:11 PM ***

Wow, JimmyBob. I'm impressed. Twenty dollars a pop!

Over on another coaster forum (nameless), someone said that if you put yellow letters on a yellow background, the peeps could read "EXIT" signs. Haven't tried it yet (and my imagination is so wild, I'll have to do it when I have the patience to count what peeps are doing - could just be the poster is imagining it works...)

Yeah, so I guess the guests are more realistic. They can't read! :)

Now, I really doubt that yellow on yellow would allow the guests to read a sign. Anyway I don't like to food court idea unless i have a no money scenario because you will have stands that are not making money. I also build the stands that have the highest profit margins first. Then I fill in with the wimpy ice cream stalls and cotton candy stalls.

to delete puke and litter put secerity and janitors and bathrooms and garbage cans all around
*** This post was edited by fatkat61 3/1/2003 11:58:40 PM ***
**Desperately trying to drop secerity and janitors and bathrooms and garbage cans on fatkat's computer** ;)

Track Record: 164
Favorite Wood: Phoenix at Knoebels
Favorite Steel: Millennium Force at Cedar Point

Secerity - is that something in the new expansion pack? :)

To follow up on my earlier post, that $20 was when the ride opened (excitement was around 13), and it only lasted for a short time before the peeps decided a Jackson was too much to pay for a ride...

My K'Nex Coasters
Coming to Wyandot Lake in 2003: Hi-Striker's Revenge

I assume you're talking about the president, right? ;)

Track Record: 164
Favorite Wood: Phoenix at Knoebels
Favorite Steel: Millennium Force at Cedar Point

Just a general tip that I've found seems to work well. Place ATM machines at every Roller Coaster entrance in your park. That way, when a guest runs out of money and says "I can't afford The Bullet Train to Hell", then they have a source of cash readily available. I like to click on random guests, and most guests in my current park have spent at least 250 dollars, which adds up to lots of money for me.

As for the puke and vandalism. If you eliminate puke, then you will eliminate vandalism. Do this by assigning your handimen to areas with the blue square tool. They can cover an area of about 9 squares before they begin to become ineffective. Also assign your security guards to areas, but these areas can be bigger. But if you can eliminate most of the puke, the people won't get angry and destroy things. Kind of like if fatcat61 would write as if he were literate, people like me and Peabody wouldn't be angry at him.

Hope this helps you out!


"Look out kid. It's something you did. God knows when but you're doin' it again." -Bob Dylan
*** This post was edited by Mustang 3/2/2003 1:58:12 AM ***

Ah, thanks, Mustang. This explains the dramatic drop in vandalism (and my consequent sacking of most of my security guards). Parallels real world events nicely...
Kick The Sky's avatar
The banners can be used for other purposes besides aethsetics and barring entry. You can use them to create boundries for themed areas. For example, lets say that you have an area of the park you want to seperate off and you theme it as Oriental. If you put signs on each possible entrance to that area and they all read the EXACT same thing like "Asian World", then that goes into the peeps pathfinding routines so that if they are looking for a ride that is in Asian World, they know they have to go there to find it.

Bob Hansen

Operation Wicked Twister
Goal: Lose enough weight (50lbs) to ride Wicked Twister in 2K3
Progress: 21 pounds since 1-1-2003

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