READ THIS: Replying in threads

Jeff's avatar
Folks... If you use the reply function in a thread, please cut down the original post to the part you're replying to. If you simply reply to a 300-word post with one sentence, it's a total waste of space. And if you're replying to the last post or two, you probably don't even need to use the reply function.

Save bandwidth and disk space! It's expensive!

Webmaster/Admin -
Jeff's avatar
Let me bump this one up again... I just deleted a post, the second post in a thread, with the entire first post in the "reply" and a once sentence response. Doesn't that seem just a little ridiculous?

Come on folks... I had 41 GB of transfer last month. Help me out a little.

Webmaster/Admin -
Also, don't use the reply function when you are only making the second post. It should be sorta obvious what you are replying to.

Don't touch the watch.
I always thought that was odd that people did that for the first post also. Huh...

I pledge defiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republicans, which I can't stand, one nation, under smog, indespicable, with liberty for just us, not all.
janfrederick's avatar
But it looks so cool

like this!!!

Decisions determine destiny; Destiny determines decisions. *** This post was edited by janfrederick on 4/13/2001. ***
What gets me is when someone reply's, and then includes the signature of the person quoting. Like I need to read it again, or it has any relevance to the quote.
Jeff's avatar
I think that the problem is that people are used to doing it on Usenet. There it makes sense, because most news readers only show one post at a time, so it's helpful to have it all on one screen. However, in linear discussion threads like these, there's little use for the reply unless it's several posts away. Even then, it's helpful to know when to SNIP!

Webmaster/Admin -
Also, don't right what you are saying inside the reply. It gets confusing.
Parks For 2001: PKD, BGW, Funtown USA
Bumping back up a third time. (Amazing how deep a thread can go after only three days of inactivity.)

I've seen a few pretty badly used quotes over the past day or so, so I thought I'd bring this up. To briefly repeat / summarize this thread:

- "Snip" away the parts of the post you're not talking about. I can normally get it down to two or three lines. Also, is there any reason to leave the signature in the reply?

- You don't really have to use the reply feature when you're the first person to reply in a topic, or for that matter, the first person to reply to any post.

- Check where your tags are. Keep your response outside of the quote tags.


Matt Lynch
Co-Webmaster, Kennywood Boulevard
Jeff's avatar

Some people need to read this twice, because it's still happening. Help a brother out...

Webmaster/Admin -
Jeff's black? sweet!
No, scanz, not really...

But we're all brothers, aren't we? :)

Matt Lynch, part of the Big Happy CoasterBuzz Family...
Co-Webmaster, Kennywood Boulevard
Well if you're the kind that believe in evolution then we're all African :)
--who has noticed a lot of talk about "hootchies" on CB & GTTP
Jeff's avatar
Ha ha... hoochies. Nice.

Yeah, I'm a white guy, but with the diverse group of friends I have from different areas of Northeast Ohio of different racial, social and economic backgrounds, I tend to be influenced by this weird variety of dialects.

And "brother" isn't a term reserved for any particular race or religion... I'm talking about a brotherhood of coaster enthusiasts.

Webmaster/Admin -
Ack! Down here in KY the word is HOOGIES. oh well, must be a dialect thing. ;)

Don't touch the watch.
Isn't a HOOGIE a thing you buy at Mr. Hero? Oh wait, those are Hoagies :)

I also wonder if Jeff bumps music in his car, just like he bumped this thread.
Jeff's avatar
My Toyota is fitted with a stock factory stereo, thanks. It's not uncommon to hear anything from Lords of Acid to Garbage to Jewel.

Webmaster/Admin -

I also think one of the problems is that some people don't realize that there is the option to reply to the "topic" rather than an individual thread, if they only scrolled down the page. They see something they want to respond to and see the convenient hyperlink and forget or are unaware of that difference.

You might want to remind them of that. It may seem obvious to you, but so is everything once someone points it out to you.

Just a thought.

Also, not to have your writing appear in the quote, make sure you put your writing after the (/quote) symbol.

Looking for ideas... *** This post was edited by APForce on 4/20/2001. ***
I am bumping this up again because I just saw a quote in a new message that is just what this says not to do.

V2, Deja Vu... how can it be better? Add Viper! Oh, wait. It's already there!

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