RCT Station Closes its Doors

The following is a quote from the RCT Stations main page.

RCT Station Has Closed

Yes, it is indeed true that I've closed RCT Station. It's not something I was looking forward to quite frankly. We simply don't have the resources (money) to continue with keeping RCT Station running. There are a few fan sites (not in the RollerCoaster Tycoon community) who have been deemed important to their respective game community to warrant the game's publisher to actually pay the server bills. Unfortunately, not all game communities get this treatment. We have more information and submissions not posted than posted - just think about that for a second.

I apologize for not giving anyone fare warning on this issue. This is not something I planned on too much. All of what I'm saying hasn't gone through a draft, just my thoughts right now. This no notice shutdown was especially a blow to the staff, no question about that - they always had something going on.

I know there are some questions that will arise, so I'll mention it here:

Q: Will RCT Station come back?
A: No one can truely predict the future, so we'll see. I certainly don't have the cash to bring it back, although I will indeed keep all web content related to the site (forums, site, email, etc) on my home machine, should a comeback indeed happen.

Q: What will "Red Phoenix" do?
A: I really have no immediate future plans that I can divulge (nothing secret, btw).

I would like to take the time to thank everyone who has visited or participated in the site. A great number of people had a hand or two in the site, whether it involved submitting content or moderating the forums, and I appreciate it. One person in particular I'd like to thank is Eric "Ogre" Lizotte who was responsible to developing the main site and giving it to me some three or four years ago, back when the site was only getting 9 page views a day - it's certainly been a hell of an effort to turn things around, no question.

- Jim "Red Phoenix" Chamberlin
April 14th, 2003

Crap. This blows, hardcore. RCT Station was/is easily the best RCT Fan Site ever made, and it's a huge blow to the community to hear that it's closing its doors with no notice whatsoever. Due to the closing New Element's been getting mad hits, and is already creeping ever so close to its max bandwidth, which, in the long run (not really, more like a month most likely), will cause New Element to go the same path (they closed down early due to bandwidth last month too). Once again, it's sad to see a site like that one go, seeing as how it's where I "grew up" in the RCT Community.

RIP RCT Station (if it's showing up as are. I. P., I dunno why)

-Brent :'(

NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This sucks. I wonder what could have happened that would make him close the sit without warning.
This sure is disapointing, as I know browsed the forums regularly for new RCT2 ideas. The site really was the ultimate resource for Roller Coaster Tycoon.

Jes's Roller Coasters DJ Jes
Six Flags Worlds Of Adventure Ride-Ops Crew 2002-2003(Find Me, Win a prize!)

I just got involved with this site a week ago. I have never seen more brilliant parks there. That is so ironic how I just became an active member and then it closed it's doors.

All those Pinnacle submissions are trashed I guess? I was so looking forward to downloading some projects they had going there too. They had everything! Let's just hope this adds to CBGames - I wish there was an RCT contest here. That would be cool.

Tales for the L33t

That's terrible. It was a great place for medium-level parkmakers... not too harsh, not too light (as in criticism).

CoasterbuzzGames is a great site for quick comments on submissions.

Some other sites where you can advertise parks, etc. are Thrillnetwork, BGTGuide, and, of course, New Element.

Believe it or not: God loves you and can save you!
Do you believe?

Yeah right onThrillnetwork there hasn't been a major submission to the premier park (I believe that's what it's called)pages in ages!

Idid manage to get the the DC vs Marvel park from RCTStation(thank god I did) so I could finally get the superhero scenery that I was looking for,the only problem now is where am I gonna get the lego brick theming that I'm now trying to find?

Well I have been there for about a year, and it was a great site!!!! My club was just getting started there and we are all dissapointed. So you can check us out at http://www.bgtguide.com/~chq/forums/index.php?s=aa87ed6c5219ae3e3e2f12af35aa42ca its not RCT Station but it's ok.

RCT Station will be missed!!!

Draegs's avatar
Although not a member or frequent visitor to RCT Station, this is still sad news to be reading.

It's reading news like this that should remind all of us that if there is a way to support a site we enjoy visiting we should make every effort to do so.

A lot of people have said they would just "move on" if CB was to shut down, but I have a feeling most of those people would still be expressing feelings similar to those being posted here in this thread.

James Draeger
-Captain Sarcasm (aka Sour Boy)

True,how true. I used to browse the boards at RCT Station on a daily basis looking for park ideas myself,the members there sure did turn out some fantastic RCT masterpieces for the most part.

I can only dream of being able to create a semi decent mega park let alone never even attempt to do a park along the scale that these guys are able to create.

Batwing Fan, while there haven't been any contests lately on Thrillnetwork a whole forum is dedicated to advertising and posting parks. There are probably two new parks a day.

All who think Mean Streak needs a match taken to it say I.
*** This post was edited by coasterphil 4/15/2003 10:28:13 PM ***

RCT Station was a great site, with great stuff, and a great forum... I'll really miss it. When I got my own hosted saved games secton, that had to be my favorite memory. I've had a lot of good times there, and I'll always remember it :(
--Dingo 65--
Forgotten member of Thrillride forums.
I hated RCT Station.(Sorry) Ogre is a RIPOFF! Every single .TD6 download I downloaded, NOTHING in the zip. It's kinda shame to see that site go, but these things happen.

(P.S. I really did'nt like RCT STATION. Please don't give me any crap because of my comments.)

Jon Revelle said:
I hated RCT Station.(Sorry) Ogre is a RIPOFF! Every single .TD6 download I downloaded, NOTHING in the zip. It's kinda shame to see that site go, but these things happen.

(P.S. I really did'nt like RCT STATION. Please don't give me any crap because of my comments.)

I had that problem for awhile until I figured out you have to save the file on your computer and it will show up.

I'm sorry to see it go.

http://www.floridathrills.net Your Guide to the Southeast-Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, and Alabama.

(This is Rct Flame)

I really can't believe it actually happened : The staff (Dingo and me that' u've seen in this thread so far...unless some of the staffers are goin around with different names like me) were told abou t3 days prior that it was a posibility, but options were being searched, so we weren't expecting it a few days later. I'll really miss the site, and I hope it is some day "resurrected" because it really was the base for the rct community. Even if you didn't like it, alot of sites wouldn't be around if RCTS hadn't been there for the people to grow on and branch off on. Not all, but alot. Big Thx to Red for giving so much time, effort and $ to the site.

*Pulls out trumpet and plays Taps in honor of a fallen friend*

This is very sad. I loved the custom scenery from there. It will greatly be missed.

My mind works in strange ways. Yeah with a chain driven lift hill and gravity.

Man this just sucks. I find myself hitting the url out of habit from my 'favorites' several times a day, only to remember... well crap. :-(

Wow. I found and then registered for that site on the morning of 4/14. Talk about yer bad timing. I think I might have been the one that pushed them just over the bandwidth limit.

I was pretty excited, I finally found a place that had really good info for a game that I'm really enjoying but am horrifically bad at (I play almost exclusively racing sims, so a strategy/economy based game like this was a pretty major shock), sad to find out that I didn't have very long to enjoy it.

Just great! Now where am I gonna get Sonic scenery from?!
So, is there another great source for scenery and new RCT2 objects and scenereos and information that is even close to that site?

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