RCT *NOT* compatible with WinXP??

we are trying to install RCT into a brand new computer with WinXP and it is telling us that the Corkscrew Follies disc with Loopy Landscapes included is NOT compatible. this is the RCT Gold Edtition.

when we try to download the patches for the trainers, we are told that all the files are corrupted. when we go to the Website for the trainers, it tells us that the patch MIGHT work with XP...

anyone have any suggestions, as there is someone here tearing his hair out trying to get this to work.

Thanks for SAVING THE WHIZZER!! it couldn't happen to a better ride...

I have WinXP, it works fine. What you have to do is download a WinXP patch from rollercoastertycoon.com After that, works great.

"Enjoy your record-breaking ride on Millennium Force"

Is the search feature broken again? ;)
i tried but i couldn't find anything....excuse me for asking again..

Thanks for SAVING THE WHIZZER!! it couldn't happen to a better ride...

Drexler patch and beast trainer
Darn PT300 too bad I'm not a club member here and I can't see those! Oh well, I'm sure there are hundreds more where that came from...

Yes I'm 15, no I'm not childish, I'm not being sarcastic, well maybe I do have somewhat of an ego...

MarimbaGuy...just replace "club" with "www" on each of those links and you'll be set...

Le roi est mort. Vive le roi.
Thanks Great America!

joe.'s avatar
All you need is the latest patch from rollercoastertycoon.com. You dont need any trainers or the drexler patch.

Hey man. Wanna buy some weed? Crack? Freepass on Millennium Force? I got the hook up...

Kick The Sky's avatar

Mine works fine on XP. In fact I was having some minor problems with the game under ME and when I installed XP those problems disappeared so I think it runs best in XP!

Just install the game and the latest patch and if you want you can install the drexler patch too.


Bob Hansen

A proud CoasterBuzz Member

"So you think your'e really brave, gonna see the DEMONS cave.
You silly dude, your'e only food, for the DEMON"

I said it before, but I'll type it here just for the sake of completeness. I've had several issues running RCT under XP... here they are, along with the solutions I've discovered:

1) I cannot run RCT from the auto-run launch dialog. When I insert the CDROM, I have to close the dialog that pops up, and instead run the game from the Start Menu. If I click the "Play RCT" button, I get an error and it fails to load.

2) When I alt-Tab away from RCT, my computer becomes VERY unresponsive (almost seems to 'hang') for a period of time, up to a minute. It comes back eventually, but RCT is for some reason using 100% of the CPU, and it takes XP a while to balance things out so that other applications get time.

3) Sometimes, after I exit RCT, my computer will seem to "hang". This is especially true if I have IE running in the background while I play RCT. The solution to 'unlock' my computer from this state is to hit Ctrl-Alt-Del, which brings up the Task Manager window. I then click on the title bar (which goes "inactive" if the problem is happening), and then click on it again (which brings it back to "active"). Everything is fine from that moment on.

I should add that I have experienced several (frustrating) game crashes after installing the Drexler Patch (after an hour or so of play), causing me to lose lots of work. I've since uninstalled the Drexler patch, and play patch free/trainer-free, and have not had any problems since.

Kick The Sky's avatar
Spryboy, make sure you are using XP video drivers and update them if necessary. Otherwise it should work.

Bob Hansen

A proud CoasterBuzz Member

"So you think your'e really brave, gonna see the DEMONS cave.
You silly dude, your'e only food, for the DEMON"

I am. I have a brand new machine with a fresh-from-the-factory install. I'm not the only one experiencing these problems either.

Spryboy, then my reccomendation is to *gasp* contact the publisher of the game for support...we here give you advice. Whether or not you decide to act on it is up to you. If you deem the ideas here are not working for you, then go to the official site for further assistance. Last time I checked, this site is not run by Infrogrames

Goodbye Whizzer, dear friend. You set me rolling many years ago into this fun hobby...

RIP Whizzer: 1976 - 2002

Um, dude, *I* was giving advice. Everyone I know on XP is experiencing these same problems. These are the SOLUTIONS to these problems. I'm not complaining... just pointing out!

I can't wait for RCT2, because I'm assuming that it won't have any of these issues.

Here is the official support site that should help you fix your XP problems: http://www.ina-support.com/faq/rctycoonlandscapes_pc.asp

The Drexler patch does not effect gameplay on XP, it is useful for opening saved games for locked scenarios. A trainer on the other hand, could cause instability in your system, and might not be recommended.


Spryboy, I have the same exact problems with my new machine and low and behold I had them with my old XP machine too.

I don't find it that big of a deal but I do have the problems you mentioned.

All I need is 4.5 million bucks and a half a mile long sliver of land and maybe someone could build me my very own Shivering Timbers. ;)

geneticfreak, that page doesn't list anything relating to XP or the problems described in this thread... at least that I could find.

Sorry, Spryboy, my bad. I only read the last post or two and didn't re-read the whole thread. That, mixed with a bad day helping (L)users who wouldn't take my advice and "Voila"....the basis of my post

Again, my apologies.

Le roi est mort. Vive le roi.
Thanks Great America!

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