RCT 2 Graphics Problem

My computer recently broke again. When I got it back, I had to reinstall all of the programs. I installed Roller Coaster Tycoon 2 and everything seemed normal. When I started up the game and the first screen came up, the last half inch on the far right of the screen was black. I then opened a scenario, when I did that, what showed up in the right side of the screen was what should have been there when I started the game.

I wish I could post a screen to show the problem, but it doesn't show up in the screenshot.

EDIT: Forgot to mention, I already tried reinstalling, nothing changed. *** Edited 10/20/2005 10:38:52 PM UTC by SFGAm Shock Wave***

2012 SFGAm Visits: 26 2012 Season Whizzer Rides: 84 X Flight Rides: 91

you can take a picture of the screen hit print screen on your comp go to paintbrush or that windows paint program open that up, go to edit and click paste...and then save! viola...we need to see whats going on...or what your talking about.
That didnt work either, showed a solid black screen. I think its a computer problem rather than an RCT problem. Today, I tryed playing Sim City 4 and got a message saying something about a missing video drive or something like that. I would assume that the two problems are related.

2012 SFGAm Visits: 26 2012 Season Whizzer Rides: 84 X Flight Rides: 91

It's your resolution.. I had the same problem once. Control Panel -> Display -> Settings, it probably 800 x 600.. or somthing smaller. So change it to at least 1024 x 768. And eh... why the Sim City thing is messing up.. well.. duh. Your missing your video driver. Go to your video card manufatur's site and download teh driver. To find your card.. go to Control Panel -> Display -> Settings, and in the drop down box it will say.
If you knew anything keith its probally only the driver...resolution has nothing to do with it. Windows often tweaks with your card or video driver and installs a generic version of the driver.....but you need to have the manufactuer version of the driver. Reason game has nothing to do with resolution is because you can play in i beleive 3 differant resolutions 400x600 800x600 and 1024x768. Good Luck!

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