Waldmeer is now gaining political support for the coaster along with tons of letters of support from citizens...
Maybe this will be a help in the recent filing for bypassing the states environmental survey to get the permits?
Shaun Rajewski
Founder, Lead Developer
Epic Web Studios, LLC
Its not like the local planning board is against this. It's not like the local citizens are against this. It's not like the politicians, competition, religious groups, or even environmentalists are against this coaster... just one lousy couple who own a little campground who are so outspoken as to have prevented this coater from going up for sooo long.
I find it sad how large one voice can be...
...but just goes to show you how corrupt this country can be sometimes with a sliver of a minority group, just like the way the FCC is cracking down on radio & television... just a sliver of a minority is outspoken enough to cause a large ripple.
Shaun Rajewski
Founder, Lead Developer
Epic Web Studios, LLC
Again, I could be completely off.
Other corrupt minority groups in this country's history have brought us........
1. Civil rights for women and minorities
2. Current gay marriage issue/controversy
3. Land ownership for all
4. Affirmative action controversy
These are just off the top of my head. I'm sure there are people who come down on both sides of many of these minority driven issues. It usually depends on your point of view when deciding the merits or stupidity of a minority view. I just thought I'd point this out. Not that I disagree that the minority voice has way too much power in this country. This happens on all sides of the political spectrum.
Shaun Rajewski
Founder, Lead Developer
Epic Web Studios, LLC
DawgByte II said:
.Its not like the local planning board is against this. It's not like the local citizens are against this.
Actually, there is one local citizen that has caused the entire project to be put on hold- the owner of the campground who is also a nearby condo resident. He has been the one that has been the thorn in the side of Waldameer. He says that the coaster will cause excessive noise at his condo and at the campground. His condo is close to where the coaster will come down the embankment.But like you said, the vast majority of people in Erie (like myself) want the Ravine FlyerII to become a reality.
The environmental studies are done by people just doing their job, and are not in favor either way... but have so far proven positive, and it's just going to show that this couple is just stalling efforts of a project that will ultimately succeed.
When? That's a good question, and it'd be nice if he could have it for 2005 or 2006 at latest.
Shaun Rajewski
Founder, Lead Developer
Epic Web Studios, LLC
Shaun Rajewski
Founder, Lead Developer
Epic Web Studios, LLC
Shaun Rajewski
Founder, Lead Developer
Epic Web Studios, LLC
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