Rainy, cold day at "The Lake" 7/13

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I woke up to the sounds of my friend talking to some lady at our hotel door. He says "Sure, we'll give you a ride" and then hops in the shower, and I am stuck giving this woman a ride.

Another friend of mine went with me to give her a ride. She kept saying, it's just a couple more miles, just a couple more miles. I thought she was going to kill us. Ends up, we were taking her to her AA meeting, what a start to the day.

After grabbing breakfast at a buffet, we were on our way through the rain, to get to Bristol. Four guys in a car for several days strait made the smell of my car horrendous.

We got to LC about noon, and there were only like 10 cars in the parking lot. I felt like I was driving to a military base or something driving back to this place.

We got in and went strait for Boulder Dash.

Boulder Dash - # 184

I rode it in the back seat first. I liked it, but it wasn't as good as I thought it was going to be. Then I hopped on the front seat, and man was I impressed. This ride in the front seat is one of my top woodies. Very fast, good airtime in the front, the mountain, woods, and boulders make for a great visuals in. The last hill before the brakes is kind of a let down, but all in all, this is one kick ass ride (that I lost my camera on, because I had to buy a coat because it was cold and rainy, I thought it was secured better.)

Kiddie Coaster - #185

Hey, I am a credit whore. I had to adopt a kid to get on it, the people were really nice about it, and I told them that I appreciated it.

Zoomerang - #186

I hate these rides.

Wildcat - #187

Not too bad of a ride in the front, its a beater in the back though. It has buzzbars, so its ok with me.

I took the trolley (very odd) and decided to get some pictures of BD, then hit up some BD a little more. I ended up with 15 rides before they shut the park down.

Thats right, they shut the park down, at 5:30. There was such a small crowd, and it was cold and rainy, they decided to shut down. They had the water rides and the water park shut down majority of the day.

I was so miserable by that point anyway I didn't care. We all got tickets for a free return before Sept. 9th (that I am sure I will use again, considering I live 11 hours away. The weather threw Quassy out the window, so we were on our way to Knoebels.

On the way, we stopped and looked at the ESPN studios, and we got ran off the lot.

Yeah, so my visit to "The Lake" was one day early. I have a picture of the sign. Talk about feeling like Chevy Chase. Fortunately for Bristol, there was no place nearby for me to buy a pellet gun.

Brian, who wants to go back.. (._.)

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