Racer's trains (Kennywood)

Hey come say hi to me at the Turn-Pike and Garfield's Nightmare(Old Mill) rides before you leave. I'll be there in the afternoon, I think?!?

Kennywood Team Member Since 2003 Kennywood is CLOSED
kpjb's avatar
Okay, I got bored a few posts up, but I'll assume no one has answered this.

Katie: When were you at the park last? I've been there for near two decades, and there have never been three running trains on Jack Rabbit. They did that in the past... waaaaaaaaaay past, like before lawsuits were invented in the 50s/60s. They also had 3 train t-bolt ops from what I've been told. The Rabbit upgrade was done about 3(?)years ago.

P.S. Don't like the logo :( :( :(

The Racer has three trains and runs two. This way if one gets screwed up, you're not riding with only one train. There used to be a check brake by the shooting gallery way back when. Back then, they could run four trains. When you're riding OVER the station, there's a big straightaway before the next dip. That's where the brakes were before the final hills were "unleashed."

About adding a fourth train, I really don't think it justifies the cost of the retrofit. The line for that ride is under 10 minutes 90% of the time.

The green train is still in Philly being refurbished. Apparently "refurbished" in PTC speak means "I challenge you to find a part you sent us still being used."

*** Edited 5/24/2005 2:22:16 AM UTC by kpjb***


eightdotthree's avatar
There is the knowledge I was speaking of.

Seriously though, I had a hard time finding a sign that they were not brand new. I think the only thing that looks remotely used are the lapbars, and even they look perfect.

kpjb's avatar
Had to wear sunglasses to work on them they were so shiny! ;)


there is no 3rd racer train right now. I was told that it is still being made. I don't know if thats true or not though.
Considering that kpjb just posted that it was still at PTC, the crystal ball says *yes*.

kpjb said:
The Racer has three trains and runs two. This way if one gets screwed up, you're not riding with only one train.

While Kennywood has had a third train in the station over the last several years, it is usually not "ready to go". The pattern has been that every couple of years they would switch one out.

kpjb's avatar
Why would we let a train sit around for a couple years? All three trains are run every year... every week, actually. The third train is 95% of the time "ready to go." That's why we bought it.


they wouldn't let it sit for a couple years. I saw the green train a couple of times.
rollergator's avatar
kpjb....would you *mention* that to Wild Adventures sometime. About the train-switching thing...I bet you could even change the wheels and stuff in the meantime, huh? ;)

Ouch! LOL...

I was just gonna say...I know there have been seasons where I've ridden all three trains on the Racer in the same season, and I don't get to Kennywood very often!

--Dave Althoff, Jr.

I was thinking back to the days (actually only a couple of years ago) when they were running the Red and Blue train exclusively. The green one didn't look very good at all (I even think some padding was missing from the seat). It definately didn't look "ready to go".

The next year the green one looked great and replaced one of the trains for daily operation and had been running all the time until this years rehab.

Maybe my theory is a lot more recent than I thought. Oh well.

kpjb's avatar
Up until a few years ago, there were two reds and a blue. Then we painted one green so there'd never be two reds racing.

I don't ever recall a one week period in the past 15 or so years when all three trains have not run, except for about a month two years ago when we ran out of lap bar solenoids and had to consolidate the good ones until more arrived.

If the same ones are running when you show up, it's just a coincidence. There's no sense having a third train and not using it.


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