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The opposite of anticipointment? Unexpecterrific? Whatever it is, the mediocre to bad reviews I've read on DesertStorm lead to a good surprise for me. The way it sits on top of everything reminds me of Corny, and it has some anti-Corny moves (high-G rapid transitions) that are fun in a different way. Mate a Jumbo-Jet/Whizzer with a pre-deformed Revolution and this might have been the result.
Patriot is like a rollerskater that was bombarded with gamma-rays. Even with two laps it is over too quick.
When it comes to gokarts I must be a necrophilliac. Picked the dead one here like I did at Lakemont.
I picked a pooper of a Kart at Scandia as well. Seems to always be ONE in the bunch.
Brian, who thinks Mike would have more $$ for old skool games if he'd quit paying high dollar for other people to do stupid food stunts. :)
I am putting together a group of investors for next time (why spend my own money) and we're in negotiations with the Farrelly brothers to produce Homey G's next performance. Is there anything you are deathly allergic too? ;)
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