Quickest way to Tatsu

That's just plain not true. Let's look at the first five topics currently in the forum:
1) "Songs for Coasters"
2) "KI Racer to run both trains forward"
3) "Chick falls out of ferris wheel..."
4) "Hershey 2009"
5) "Waldameer posts major revision..."

Which of those threads covers information covered by press releases, articles, or official websites? Most of them are people discussing their own opinions, observations, or speculations. I think the difference is pretty clear.

If people want to get advice from here, that's fine. Most people are happy to give it. But I think a lot of us are also tired of the people who come on here without having done any research looking for someone to hold their hand through finding the answers to a simple question. Ask a stupid question, expect stupid answers.


Soggy's avatar
You're telling me that NONE of that information is available ANYWHERE except here on CoasterBuzz? Please. The information came from elsewhere and is being presented here.

As for opinions observations and speculations, I believe you have just proven my point for me. Maps don't give opinions, observations or speculations. Information is just that, information. Asking someone for specifics is the point.

What's wrong with a noob asking noob questions? I'm a noob when it comes to homebrewing beer, and I ask basic questions on a board all the time. Yeah, I have books, a DVD and all the information there for the looking, but asking an expert gets first-hand experience. Responses like "look it up yourself" isn't the way to welcome someone into a community. It just makes you look like a jerk. If you're tired of reading questions like these, don't click such topics.

Pass da' sizzrup, bro!

I guess we all need to have a sense of humor. We need to laught at how lame-brained some of the park operators can be.

Coaster Junkie from NH
I drive in & out of Boston, so I ride coasters to relax!

Jeff's avatar
What has happened to CoasterBuzz?

Jeff - Editor - CoasterBuzz.com - My Blog

coasterdude318 said:


All three of the Point's entrance gates are clearly marked on the map (and that's the low res version!).

My point? Don't be lazy and post a question here that can be easily answered with a quick glance at the park map.


Not only that, but they throw in an extra entrance (Main, Marina, Beach, Magnum ;)).

Some of you take yourself way too seriously, if all the threads were only ones pimping people for information it would make for a very boring read. Sometimes, you need a little sarcasm to spice things up, you know for us "board regulars."

2022 Trips: WDW, Sea World San Diego & Orlando, CP, KI, BGW, Bay Beach, Canobie Lake, Universal Orlando

A discussion board is for discussion. Asking "What's the fastest way to get to Tatsu" is not opening a discussion, it's asking for a single piece of information. There's no opinion to state, no debate to be had, just a simple fact to be stated. Again, it's fine to ask such a question, but when you haven't even bothered to look it up yourself, well, that makes you lazy. And it makes it a dumb question. (Not to even mention the obvious...does it really matter?).

-Nate *** Edited 4/8/2008 11:05:23 PM UTC by coasterdude318***

Soggy's avatar
That's the beauty of the mouse. It has a button on it where you click topics that interest you. Conversly, if a topic does not interest you, there is the option of not clicking it.

Pass da' sizzrup, bro!

And the beauty of a message board is that if you choose to post something stupid, you can't really bitch about the replies since it was your choice to post in the first place.


Well, well, well - what a can of worms I have opened up - all for seeking the answer to a very simple question? Trust me next time I won't even bother.

As a long standing visitor to the USA (yes I am an Englishman through and through, but I love to visit your country every year) and after riding 687 rollercoasters all over the world and visitng numerous parks (including SFMM before) - I was merely seeking a simple, PLAIN ANSWER, to my question.

I have not been to SFMM since Tatsu opened (I was last there when the footers were going in) - so I was just wondering if they had made a new route up to it.

Yes, I do look at park maps like every other man does - but unfortunately I do not trust them. Ever heard of errors, mistakes, short cuts not on the map?

Please forgive me ladies and gentlemen for asking this question in the first place!!!

I hope when I go to Holiwood Nights in May and the Rumblefest a day after - I may get the chance to 'bump into' one of you - and start up a live thread at the park!

Once again - to those members who did reply 'with a simple answer' - many kind thanks.

The Uk may be small - but we got the Grand national - you beauty! Wood is gud and don't you forget it!

And here I thought that the British had a "stiff upper lip?" Their soft belly is growing larger.

they drag him
^Coasterladuk, take it all in stride, next time you want to answer to a question like this be more specific, for instance:

Is there a short cut/quicker way to get to Tatsu then using the main pathways?

You would not get any sarcastic comments to that. The problem is that you phrased it too general, and this board a few years ago was plagued with a never ending string of threads asking "Which day is best to go to park X" and other general "pimping for information" topics. When you get too many of those, you push the debate topics down the page and kill some. Those threads are the reason most of us come here.

2022 Trips: WDW, Sea World San Diego & Orlando, CP, KI, BGW, Bay Beach, Canobie Lake, Universal Orlando

rollergator's avatar
LOL, you'll get sarcastic comments no matter where you go in life. Learning to laugh at yourself may not get you to Tatsu any faster...but it's the right path to enlightenment. :)
^ Awwww...Gator. How VERY 'Oprah' of you! ;)
SFoGswim's avatar

coasterdude318 said:
"What's the fastest way to get to Tatsu" is not opening a discussion, it's asking for a single piece of information. There's no opinion to state, no debate to be had, just a simple fact to be stated.
That's debatable. Two people could easily disagree on what each thinks is the fastest route.

Welcome back, red train, how was your ride?!
And yet there's still only one fastest way to Tatsu.


SFoGswim's avatar
It could vary person to person.

Welcome back, red train, how was your ride?!
That's right. It'll all depends on how fast you can run.

Coaster Junkie from NH
I drive in & out of Boston, so I ride coasters to relax!

If you google "Quickest Way to Tatsu" this thread comes up; so if someone were to come back here and post a follow-up, would it be ok now?


- Jeff

janfrederick's avatar

Please forgive me ladies and gentlemen for asking this question in the first place!!!

And please forgive the bit of fun that was had at your topic's expense.

Anyway, the quickest way to Tatsu is to parachute in (unless you are an employee). ;)

"I go out at 3 o' clock for a quart of milk and come home to my son treating his body like an amusement park!" - Estelle Costanza
ApolloAndy's avatar
What about a tunnel from China?

Hobbes: "What's the point of attaching a number to everything you do?"
Calvin: "If your numbers go up, it means you're having more fun."

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