Quick TR: Holiday World 5-13-04

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Hey all,

Not having a work appointment until three today Bond and I decided to take advantage of that and head on over to Holiday World as they are now open daily.

I know some are clamoring about Thunderhead as the new #1 and having just been on it on Saturday I'm here to say that Thunderhead is no Raven! Thunderhead is a fantastic ride and is probably going to end up in my top 5 but it doesn't have the intensity that make the Raven and the Legend the worlds best wooden coasters.

Bond headed to Rudolph's Reindeer Ranch for some fun then after a while we worked our way back to Holidog's Fun Town where I became a very proud papa. After running around, climbing and sliding to his heart's content I was taking Bond out to go home for lunch when he actually asked to go on the Howler. Now he rode it when he was two and ever since he has refused to go near it. Thinking that this was just another ploy to prolong his playtime in Fun Town I skeptically said ok and was shocked when he ran right up and hopped into the train. We went around twice and his thoughts when he got off was "It wasn't as bad as I thought" and "That coaster was fun".

After lunch and before my appointment I headed back by myself for some quality time with the Raven and Legend. The Legend has sped up considerably and really just kicks ass! I love the added air at the top of the spiral drop and the power through the helix.

After a quick ride on the Legend I ran into Larry Johnson and had a nice chat with before heading uphill.

The Raven was flying and I ended up with eight rides in the back without getting off. The speed and power that the Raven dishes out is pure bliss and I love flying down drop 5 into probably the best ending on any coaster today. I just love screaming twisting and turning through Ravenswood.

Like I said earlier, Thunderhead is a kick ass ride but it is not THE kick ass ride, the Raven has that distinction in my book..

Have Fun!

Paul Drabek

Negative-G Amusement Parks and Rollercoasters: www.Negative-G.com

Thanks for the report Paul. It must be nice to live so close. I have to agree with you on Thunderhead. While I thought it was awesome, it couldn't unseat Legend as my #1.
Is Jungle Racer open yet? I want a review on it from whoever can get one.

John Moore

It's open, I didn't ride it yesterday because the temps were in the low 60's but it's supposed to be warm today so I'll post a TR and should be able to get an update on Negative-G with pictures.

Have Fun!

Paul Drabek

Negative-G Amusement Parks and Rollercoasters: www.Negative-G.com

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