Questions about Conneaut Lake Hotel

Has anyone stayed at Hotel Conneaut at Conneaut Lake Park? I was thinking about staying there for a few days because it looks like an interesting place. I thought that maybe the rooms would get hot in the humidity. I'm guessing that the rooms have electricity. Should I take a fan?

I've been to the park before and have seen the hotel from the outside.

My band "The Cedar Kings". "Ordinary Day" a trip report in song.

Mamoosh's avatar
Electricity? Yes? But to the best of my knowledge the rooms are NOT air-conditioned. You might want to to call the hotel and confirm.
They all have ceiling fans, which work fine with the breezes. When it is 'Africa-hot', nothing helps however. There are a number of rooms on the first floor with a/c and such, but they usually go first, if they still exisit.

No elevators, so if you are fat and lazy, ask for the first or second floor. Yes, they place is old, but you can drive through the park to get to the place, and you are in the action. Not close, but in the action. The front proch that wraps around the place is magnificent.

Mamoosh's avatar is their Steak-on-the-Lake dinner ;)
I've stayed there and really enjoyed it. It's rare to find a place that is so original. It is like going into a time machine to a resort from 100 years ago. The place needs a lot of work but it is wonderful nonetheless. Just don't expect anything fancy. Enjoy the view of the lake from a chair on the huge wraparound porch, take in a meal at Elizabeth's Dining Room (the current name of Steak on the Lake - now named for the ghost said to haunt the hotel) and stroll along the boardwalk to the Beach Club for some adult beverages.

Most rooms are not air conditioned but unless it is really really hot out you'll do fine with the ceiling fan, an open window and an open transom over the door.

Yes, there is electricity (but no TV) and running water. My bathroom even had a clawfoot tub! A lot of the rooms have been renovated and decorated by volunteers and each room has a different feel.

Here are some pictures of the inside and outside of the hotel.

The only thing you might need to be concerned about is noise. Sound really travels through those old wooden walls. We dealt with a wedding reception in the hotel ballroom and some shouting guests early the next morning.

Those are some neat pictures. Did you see a ghost there? This looks like one of those old hotels that would be on one of those late night ghost shows. Was there a shower? Or did you wash up in the old stilted tub?
rollergator's avatar
Do remember, the hotel *might be* haunted...:)
The windows over the entrance do look a little....spooky....hehe.

P.S....AJ's sig: "What would Charlie Murphy do?"

First time I've seen this....AJ owes me a beer when I get up to Jersey end of next month, for making spill this one! ;)

I recommend a stay at the hotel. A couple of years ago in celebration of the Hotel's 100th anniversary, they had an "Adopt A Room" campaign where people adopted rooms and decorated them in their own styles in memories of passed loved ones. They did a really nice job and preserved the character of the hotel.

Most rooms have ceiling fans and in the summertime, with the lake effect, it is somewhat comfortable in the evenings.

Be sure and check out the front desk. One of the women that works there (Carrie) wrote a book about the various ghost sightings over the years. A copy is available and the desk for viewing and can be purchased for a nominal fee. Some of the most notable ghosts are Elizabeth (killed in a fire before she was to be wed), the crazy chef that throws things in the kitchen, and a gentleman that resides in the sitting room in front of the fireplace. Some people that have taken pictures of the fireplace have caught images in their film.

No TV's, radios, or phones in the rooms. Although the atmosphere is rustic, it is truly a step back in time and I've found the hotel to be comparable or better than most hotels in the area.

Check out the hotel restaurant (recently renamed to Elizabeth's in honor of the most famous ghost).

I've stayed there several times but unfortunately no ghost sightings..

Blue Streak Marathon Rider 2003 and 2004 KW Gor_y Park Team Member
I had no idea there were actually ghost stories when I posted. I assumed there was a good chance from those pictures though (mostly joking). That is interesting stuff. Any books on this? Or just folklore?

*** Edited 6/22/2005 2:08:11 PM UTC by Jeffrey R Smith***

The book written by Carrie contains accounts from various employees, guests over the years. It has some photos that show energy fields, etc.

There is also a video tape at the desk from a local news crew that brought in "Ghost Buster" type people one Halloween and it was very interesting what they caught on film and were able to detect.

Blue Streak Marathon Rider 2003 and 2004 KW Gor_y Park Team Member
Sorry Ed...I just read my prior post... meant any MORE books on this! A fairly important lapse in context. Thanks for the info.

I was only there one time in 1998 for about an hour prior to park closing. I rode tha dark ride and got on the Streak as much as I could (I don't think I rode anything else??). I remember the hotel, but did not have time to explore this park as much as I would have liked.

I'm a sucker for ghost stories...

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