Question about Season Pass entrance to CP

Ok, I haven't been to CP for awhile, but I was wondering how do they handle passes from other CF:LP parks there? Do you go to guest relations (like I did at VF) or where? This goes with MiA as well. Any help would be greatly appreciated

SW:):)SH Shaddy(president of LEMCCDWBLI)

Well if you go to any gate but the main one you talk to the people in the ticket booth and they will pull out a clip board. You write your name, park, and serial number on your pass and you can go in.

Summer 03-CP, HP, SFDL, SFNE, SFWOA, and SFGAm.

Same at MIA. Go to the season pass office near the main gate and give them your pass and you'll get a paper ticket for the day.

Drag Races 5. Vertigo Shots 3.
Life-Long CP fan.

CP is the only CF park that does not require you to go to Guest Services and get a comp. ticket. You just go through the turnstile like everybody else.

Every other CF park requires a comp. ticket, to the best of my knowledge.

- John
I snap flyers.

When I went to WOF and used my CP season pass this year, they just scanned me right through like everybody else. But last year MIA and CP pulled out the clipboard for my VF season pass.

However, the season passes this year appear to be a little different than the ones last year, with a bar code on them. I think they are trying to make them all able to be scanned.

Take care and God bless!

Everyone is correct - you can go through the turnstyles with your "sister park" pass... However, I've found that it it generally easier to go to the Guest Relations office (just to the right of the turnstyles) especially if you go right as the park opens. They have to get the clipboard and write your pass number down - this bogs down the line to get in the park (and upsets the people behind you).

Another benefit if you go to GR is you skip the sometimes very long line at the turnstyles :)

I know that when I went to VF, I was able to just go right through the GR office and bypass the line - which was a good thing because I got on the first train of SV for the day. I'm glad to hear that is how it works at CP and MiA as well. THANKS EVERYONE!

SW:):)SH Shaddy(president of LEMCCDWBLI)

At the main gate, I think that they prefer that you use the turnstyles (so people waiting in line don't see a big group of people getting in front of them at GR). Usually the ask me "Is it just you?...." If it were a bunch of people, I think they send them to the line.

However, when I have gone through the resort gate, they wanted me to go through GR...

As of March Knott's required CP season pass holders to go to guest relations. If that's changed since then, I have no idea.

- John
I snap flyers.

Lord Gonchar's avatar
Back to the actual question -

Last year at CP we went through the magnum entrance (with Dorney passes) and had to go into the little office right to the side and "sign in" with pass number and name. The plus side was we got to skip the early entry line that was backed up all the way to the soak city area. This year we went through the main gate and the girl working there wrote the info down and let us through.

As far as the bar codes go, both last year's and this year's Dorney passes had them and we've had to sign in at CP and get the comp ticket at Knott's. That's the one thing SF has over CF - the simple chain-wide scanning of passes.

Dorney Park Visits in 2003: 15

rollergator's avatar
At Knott's I've always had to go thru GR to get a comp ticket....that was sweet when the line in there was 20 minutes long, and I had a season pass from CP there was no problem,but then again it was an event (CM)...
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