Question About INFUSION at Blackpool

I saw a coaster photo on the site today of Infusion, an invert at Blackpool Pleasure Beach in England. It's set over a pool of water and there are fountains of water being released. Can anyone who's been on the ride say whether or not riders get wet, sprayed, or not at all while riding?

The amusement park rises bold and are huddled on the beach in a mist

Acoustic Viscosity's avatar

When I was there in the fall of 2010, I don't recall any of the water effects being on, or at least I didn't get wet from them. The "pool" is there because that is where their grand log flume was before it was ripped out for the SLC.

That said, for some strange reason, Infusion was the smoothest, most enjoyable SLC I've ever ridden (by a long shot). My friend and I rode it with the intention of it being a single credit lap (and my buddy was dreading it), and we were both blown away and immediately got back in line for another ride. We even convinced Invy to give it a try since it was so unusually smooth. We rode in different seats that second time and once again it was almost butter smooth. Why can't they all be like that?

Last edited by Acoustic Viscosity,

AV Matt
Long live the Big Bad Wolf

rollergator's avatar

Almost all of the Vekomas we rode in the UK were butter-smooth. Decided there was some sort of conspiracy that only allows the US Vekomas to be smooth if they're in Disney parks (a weird sort of exclusivity agreement, LOL).

delan's avatar

Applying lessons learned perhaps. Isn't Infusion the newest SLC?

When all the water effects are on you still don't get wet. Unless of course the Blackpool gales are in full effect - last time I rode this one it was in a torrential rain storm and high wind. The front seat had a very painful "pebble dashing" quality!

Timber-Rider's avatar

tallguy said:
When all the water effects are on you still don't get wet. Unless of course the Blackpool gales are in full effect - last time I rode this one it was in a torrential rain storm and high wind. The front seat had a very painful "pebble dashing" quality!

I was on the Vortex at Canada's wonderland when a freak thunderstorm swept through the park. We got pelted with hailstones just as the train went down the second drop, and by the time we got back to the station most riders had red dots all over their faces and arms when the ride ended. We also saw the Bat coaster get struck by lightning, and there was this horrible HUMMMMMM!! sound after it it. Glad I wasn't on there when that happened. They closed almost everything in the park immediately once the storm started.

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