Psyclone SFMM = ouch?

Today (05/09/05) we went to SFMM. Everything was open minus Revolution and Ninja. Great day. Got to ride everything with maybe a 1-2 cycle wait max. X (I loved it) took a little longer and we had to wait about 1 1/2 hours (takes forever to load/unload). Rode Goliath back-to-back 4x. Now the last coaster of the day we hit was Psyclone. This was my first time ever riding this and damn did it hurt. The ride op even yelled at everyone twice to NOT put their head anywhere near the headrest. He wasn't kidding. Seriously I thought the trains had square wheels. I was hurting pretty bad after this one. I was considering suggesting to SFMM to burn it down or to use the wood to make housing for the poor. Was Psyclone having an "off day" or is it usually this bad?
It is usually worse ;).

Yeah, Psucklone is a pretty bad ride, unfortunatly. Viper at SFGAm is wonderful, though.

That sounds about

Honestly though, I like Psyclone, or rather I want to like it. When it first opened it was awesome. After everything its been through it now lumbers through the turns making it rather uncomfortable.

My best ride on Psyclone was one night after a downpour...wasn't silky smooth, but it seemed to speed its way through without beating everyone up too bad.

...and such

rollergator's avatar
LOL Clint, you got Psyclone on one of the *best* days I've ever ridden's usually considerably worse than THAT even...
john peck's avatar
Psyclone runs 3 B&M trains. You'd think that they could have built a better set of them.
Back when Psyclone opened it was fast, smooth and actually had "some" airtime. The 1992 and 1994 (especially the 1994) earthquakes did a lot of damage to Psyclone. Plus the fact that the structure is made from Southern Yellow Pine, which doesn't hold up very well in not humid climates. Then there is also those lousy B&M trains and SFMM's lack of maintence. And if you notice Psyclone's profile is very different from its counterpart, Georgia Cyclone. Although Georgia Cyclone is still very rough, but it has excellent airtime.
Thats the norm. It' the worst woodie I have road, with the Rattler at Fiesta as my hateable first runner up, and the Texas Giant as the Second Runner up.

When I rode Psyclone in 2001 it wasn't too bad, but I hear it has really gone down hill from then. Unfortunate as I did have a good ride that year.

^^^ Georgia Cyclone is definitely rough in the BEST kind of way. It kicked my arse hard and I loved every second of it!
I rode Psychlone in 2000 and it was the second roughest ride I had experienced up to then.
I am absolutely part of the burn it down party.
The roughest woodie I have been on though was Le Monstre at La Ronde, Montreal, in 1996.
Supposedly the monster got re-tracked since then and people say it's a better coaster now.
Oh man...I rode it in spring 2003-ouch! I actually think it was rougher than SOB, even though I will probably get bashed for saying so.

SOB's biggest fanboy!
Psyclone seems best ridden by leaning forward a bit and holding onto the handrail in front. Do that, and there's still ample roughness but the ride won't actually hurt.

And when the line is short enough, riders can even challenge a re-ride (or two).

Rode Psyclone once in the front, it wasn't too bad, but maybe because of the front seat experience. SFGAm's Viper is simply incredible, one of the smoothest woodies I've ever been on.


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