Progress At Waldameer?

Lord Gonchar's avatar
Anyone been by Waldameer lately?

How's the new coaster look? Think it'll open on schedule?

Just wondering...

TiggerMan's avatar

I was at Waldameer over Memorial Day weekend and took some pictures. I will get them posted shortly.

The new spinning mouse looks great. I'd say it's about half built. When we were there, they were doing some welding to what looked like metal that will be used for a station.

Never go against a Sicilian when death is on the line.

And they ARE getting the Ravine Flyer II next year?
TiggerMan's avatar
Next year? I am not sure about that -- I'd be pretty doubtful actually.

They are getting closer to getting all the permits and clearences that they need, but that's not to say that the nieghbors won't try a few more legal tricks to delay things.

Never go against a Sicilian when death is on the line.

DawgByte II's avatar
2006 was predicted as the year for the Ravine Flyer II... at the earliest.
eightdotthree's avatar
If I understand the information the new mouse is supposed to open the 14th? Is that correct? What is the said date for opening day?

I have a couple trips home to Erie planned next month. :)

Lord Gonchar's avatar
^Exactly, but I was wondering if anybody knew if they were on schedule. (trying to get quick info, I guess I could call)

I'll probably head up that way next Friday and was wondering if it'll be open. I won't get another chance to get near Erie until August.

I'll be there sat afternoon, Sure hope it's open as well as Conneaut Blue Streak but if they are not, I'll consider my visits worth it anyhow.


Lord Gonchar's avatar
Check back in after your visit and let us know how it's progressing if you don't mind.

beast7369's avatar
Let us know about the Conneaut Blue Streak too. I am seriously hoping it is up and running by June 26th when I plan to be there.

eightdotthree's avatar
Rctycoon2k's avatar

I took those pics on 6/4

I called Waldameer on Tuesday, still no set opening date... :(

Again, Gonch, sorry for the other thread...

Shaun Rajewski
Founder, Lead Developer
Epic Web Studios, LLC

Lord Gonchar's avatar
'Tis cool. Just giving you a hard time for making me work to find the info :)

Doesn't sound too promising for the 18th :(

*** Edited 6/12/2004 4:39:17 AM UTC by Lord Gonchar***

rsscbell's avatar
Opening date was mentioned in newspaper as

june 18th. Perhaps the excess of rain we had pushed it back. The ride looks 90% complete as of today.

ROLLER COASTER RD rose twp. jeff co. T843
DawgByte II's avatar
Hey, if it's by the end of June... I'll be happy. I think I'm going to make a pit-stop here on the way to CP.. considering it's free parking & free entrance, I'm only going to go in for the un-named spinning mouse, their log ride & possibly their Comet.

I wonder how many tickets this will cost.

Rctycoon2k's avatar
Probably 3... seems all the big rides at Waldameer cost around 3 or 4 tickets...

EDIT - Just called them, the woman said right now, the planned opening date is July 2.

*** Edited 6/12/2004 4:39:10 PM UTC by Rctycoon2k***

Shaun Rajewski
Founder, Lead Developer
Epic Web Studios, LLC

Lord Gonchar's avatar
Just an update...

I called Waldameer just a few minutes ago (trying to decide whether or not to head up to Erie tonight or tomorrow) and they date they gave me is July 4th.

I guess we'll head up in a couple of weeks.

Rctycoon2k's avatar
Damn... so much for hitting it opening date... The park is packed on the 4th of July. Oh well... I wouldn't be suprised if it didn't open until aroun July 10th or so...

Shaun Rajewski
Founder, Lead Developer
Epic Web Studios, LLC

Rctycoon2k's avatar
Well, I took a ride out to the park today... surprising... one of the developers from Maurer Sohne was at the park helping to get it running. The coaster started testing today around 12:30. I never realized how fast the lift on this puppy is (although it might actually just because it is only 50ft tall).

The coaster has 8 cars... very nice cars to, although the test car is still in the back lot (the test one is exactly the same as the one we saw over at Alton Towers for their test car). The cars are very nice, with a big dragon decal on the side.

The ride has yet to be named, but the ride will open on Friday, July 2nd.

The ride was running fast today, but they were just doing physical along with running the diagnostic tests. 2 of the ride ops there were kind of annoying.. they kept yelling when I was just sitting there watching... but whatever. (forgot camera too, make me mad, I wish I lived closer, but I didn't feel like driving a 1/2 hour home and back to take pics).

*** Edited 6/23/2004 8:33:18 PM UTC by Rctycoon2k***

Shaun Rajewski
Founder, Lead Developer
Epic Web Studios, LLC

Lord Gonchar's avatar
Ohhh, good stuff. So it's back to July 2nd now?


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